Forum rules with respect to DDL/Vector & Cozmo

Hey Guys

These forums are owned by Living AI. They have invited us testers as independent advisors to help them moderate them given our range of community experience.

As such and being aware of the things going on outside in the world with respect to EMO and DDL/Vector & Cozmo, we the moderators have concerns that whilst the opinions here are those of the individual writer, and they are entitled to those opinions, we believe that allowing discussion of DDL, Vector & Cozmo would not be constructive at all. Our concern is that it would allow these forums to potentially degenerate into a very negative situation when in fact the main purpose of these forums is to support EMO owners with their EMO robots.

Therefore, while we do not want to limit free speech, we are instituting a block on certain words to ensure that we focus ONLY on EMO. We want people to be able to express their thoughts and concerns, but will hold posts with DDL, Vector and Cozmo in them for review. We the moderators will then decide if they will be permitted.

There are plenty of third party forums out there if you wanted to discuss such topics, but we REALLY feel it best that we do not do that here.

Signed, Andy, Bruce and Wayne