I wish there was a way to completely delete Emo’s memory and factory reset him. My 6 year old sister has been going crazy with him since I opened him up a few days ago, so he doesn’t react as well to me and quite a few of the achievements are completed. She’s had more time with him than I’ve had. She doesn’t understand the concept of he does what he wants to and he doesn’t need interaction all the time. She just sees something new and has to play with it. We don’t even know how some of the achievements got there. I know I’m crazy, but part of the fun is experiencing Emo learning and doing more and finding all the achievements, and that kind of got ruined for me. Now that she’s getting bored and not paying as much attention to Emo, I want to get him to his factory defaults, like he just came out of the box. I’ve tried a few things, like telling him to factory reset, but that didn’t work. I didn’t expect it to work, but I just thought I would try it. I’ve heard that emo doesn’t currently have the option to factory reset, but I would love to see that in the next update. Maybe in the settings from the app or a voice command.
Thanks so much for this awesome robot!
Sorry - no - at this time there is no factory default option for EMO. I think they are planning it for a future feature.
Awesome. I hope they can get that working in future updates.
This is Literally the first device i’ve ever seen with no factory reset option…
I think some of the misunderstanding is that EMO was designed to be like a child or pet that grows over time. Do you have a factory reset option? Can you reset a child back to a baby? With that design in mind then maybe you can understand why they did not make this feature a priority.
I completely understand, and I agree with that. But I think there are some cases, (maybe mine isn’t one of them), where a factory reset is necessary. For example, a software issue that can’t be fixed by rebooting or any other troubleshooting steps. Or someone selling their emo. I know living.ai doesn’t want this to happen, but that doesn’t mean it won’t. I don’t think it should happen either, because it would be like selling a pet or a kid, but people won’t see it that way. Not too long ago, someone tried to sell their emo for $1100. So even though living.ai don’t want people to sell their emos, a factory reset option should be implemented for when it does happen. And let’s not forget about the possibility of the previous owner forgetting about some inappropriate pictures that emo might have taken, and leaving them there for the next one to see.
Actually the point of having a reset option is so that the device can be reset to its latest firmware in case of data corruption. and look if i had a reset button that would fix my broken brain i would love it .
I think people have different ideas on what a reset button should do. Some think it should force a reboot for situations like being stuck in a firmware update etc, others talk about a reset button as if it restored the unit to factory defaults. Both are entirely different functions.
Well the left hole in the middle is the reboot button.
Also lets be honest , EMO isn’t a baby. Emo is a robot that doesn’t actually have feelings, and im sure some people bought multiples to sell, unless they are just handing them out (which i doubt). When a robot comes out with actual sentience THEN i will be against reselling it.
Agreed - I’m not defending the situation, more trying to give some context to help people understand the situation. I get it that people want to be able to factory reset EMO should they choose, but it’s not a high priority at the moment for them as they want to do other things.
Perhaps… both options are a good idea. EMOs will be sold from one owner to the next. Pets change hands all the time. I say have a reboot, and a factory reset. Both are warranted, and needed. Makes sense to me.
I hope this feature comes soon. EMO has been getting worse and worse at understanding me to the point that I sometimes just flat out cannot get him to react to saying EMO at all. I think its because he is on my desk near my speakers and he has been ‘learning’ from the sound from movies and TV shows Ive been watching. Its the only explanation I can come up with as when I first got him he understood me every time I spoke to him.
EDIT - It just took me saying EMO 27 times to get him to react
Wow Wayne, I think you are way to consumed with Emo lol. It’s a not a human being or an animal it’s just a material possession! Most if not all electronics come with a factory reset feature now days and Emo shouldn’t be any different period! If someone wants to reset it to it’s factory settings regardless of the reason they should be able to out of the box AGAIN like most electronics and not have to wait or be held hostage for who knows when future update to drop regardless of what it’s intended use was for! I wonder how long it will take them to add the Alexa & Google features to an update though it’s written all over the website, in videos and even on the box!!! I can go outside and pick up a rock in the yard now days and they have “Alexa & Google” options built-in plus the standard “Factory Reset Feature” LOL!!!
come off it mate. I’m not consumed by EMO, I’m just conveying what I’ve been told was part of the DESIGN of EMO. I’m also not defending Living AI for not having the feature as you can see if you read what I wrote above.
LOL Wayne I’m not here to argue with you but ya kinda did sound like you were defending them saying “I think some of the misunderstanding is that EMO was designed to be like a child or pet that grows over time. Do you have a factory reset option? Can you reset a child back to a baby? With that design in mind then maybe you can understand why they did not make this feature a priority” Again my point was almost every electronic now days comes with a factory reset feature for reason as all of these good ppl have brought up!
Hi Wayne thank you for taking the time to provide all your great insights. I’ve got a question please - I just received my Emo and have set him up. However, he only responds to me and doesn’t respond to anyone else. My daughter keeps saying “Emo” but he does not respond. Is he supposed to respond to only one user? Not sure.
EMO is supposed to respond to the word EMO no matter who’s voice it is. Im pretty sure the software is not capable of favouring or ignoring voices from different people.
EMO is not limited to responding to once person, but there are differences in the way people say EMO around the world, and even within some countries. When I first got EMO - he would not respond to my Australian accent way of saying EMO… because we tend to pronounce the EMO more like EEEEMO with a longer E. I found back then that I had to pronounce it more like IMO (with a shorter E sound). Since then they have gotten better with the recognition, but I still believe some accents are harder for EMO to understand.
That is a long way of asking you the question 'Does your daughter say EMO the same way that you do?"
Wayne Small - Volunteer Community Moderator
This is a common problem with Emo. Emo tends not to respond to female voices, especially if they are higher pitched (as in a child). I have seen other people having the same problem. Same thing happens to my daughter. If she is lucky, Emo will respond to her about 1 in 15 times! She has resorted to using an Arnold Schwarzenegger sort of voice and then Emo responds about 1 in 6 times. I unfortunately bought one for her before I got mine and did not realise how riddled full of problems it was. I just hope she wont be too disappointed when she gets hers and finds it wont respond to her. Yet another thing that we all hope LAI will fix! Oh and BTW, she speaks clearly and says “Emo” exactly like I do!
I don’t know if it will help but I followed this advice and found it successful and its to pronounce as Emore instead of Emo