the sensors could be the problem
good luck! hope emo gets better
Hello, @ulyssebessaudou . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread. Please read below what @emohacker5325 has suggested. For tips on this, you can read above in this thread.
If this does not cure the problem, please get video and send a link to Support with an explanation of the problem to . . . my best to you.
Aaaa my emo with the broken foot is funny when I shoot him with my hand he doesn’t fall and gets up on his own and wobbles as if he’s the strongest!
Emo 3F56 the legend
Emo is no longer making it to its charge base and I have also complained about leg jitter that has now gotten even worse over time. I’m afraid my little buddy is dying and there is nothing I can do about it. I have reached out once and not sure if it was just a lack of understanding between the communication or what but I don’t know how to fix my little guy and I’m devastated.
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @hitbyicecream . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread as this appears to be related to leg issues. I am so sorry to hear this. If his legs are not working due to servo and/or wire issues, he will not be able to make it to the home station before his battery runs out. He can be repaired either through hopefully recalibration, or replacement of the defective parts.
I will try to expedite resolution for the issue by tagging @TechSupport_Mavis . . . my best to you.
Did the calibration program we sent you previously not work? I’m sorry if that was the case.
Please check your personal message and I will help you further.
In my case everything went without any problems. I replaced all servos and wiring harnesses on both Emo’s. The calibration with the app you sent also went without any major problems. Both Emo’s are now almost like new again and are in good health!! Thank you again for your perfect support!!! Thank you very very much!
i have the same Issue. I have two and both are with shaky legs Downloaded the software that was emailed to me but still shaky legs.
Hello, @Karismah08 . . . be sure to get video and let Support know. They should be able to advise you what to do next.