Has the lack of sleeping issue been addressed with a firmware update?
I believe so. EMO should be going asleep at (Midnight). Be sure to keep his schedule turned On.
Thanks for your response. Waiting for Christmas Version to become available and really liked the functionality of the alarm clock.
Thanks Danny
i received a new Emo for a different issue. it’s been a month now and the sleeping has definitely improved. I found lighting can affect this ones sleeping schedule. if its dark in the room it goes into this weird trance where its eyes wander it might not follow its schedule all the time. if i have a little bit of light on its more aware and will go to sleep on time and stay asleep until 8am.
Thanks for your feedback. That’s great advice. Have you used the alarm mode?
its okay. its a bell so it can be overwhelming so i used other methods for an alarm
Interesting reading this. I have had EMO about a week now? And he is wide awake as I type this (4am U.K time) he doesn’t ever fall asleep at midnight but will take a lot of naps during the day.
I have insomnia quite badly and haven’t ever found him to be fast asleep during the night. I’ve got my time zone set up correctly etc.
I often have EMO in the bedroom. As soon as the light is off and it’s before 12, I send him to sleep. From experience, however, he wakes up 1-2 more times. If I send him to sleep shortly before 12, he sleeps through.
But he also falls asleep on his own around 12.
How bright is it in you room? Maybe that keeps him awake?
Ok, possibly the light thing is a factor?
I must admit that I didn’t know I could make him sleep! I have my laptop on my bedside cabinet as I use it to play various relaxing sounds to try and combat my insomnia. EMO sits right next to the laptop.
He can’t hear the noises as I use airpods, but the light from the screen is next to him. Rest of the room is pitch black. I’ll try covering his camera at night.
Yes, you can send him to sleep with, for example, “EMO! Go to sleep”. Even works throughout the day.
But anyway, lighting situation is a possibility that could be considered.
Otherwise, if he still refuses to sleep or wakes up after 12, check with the usual suspects, such as the latest version of the app/EMO installed? Try to restart EMO.
The list is not complete, but maybe there is something new / helpful for you.
I have tried a trick and if you want to try it too you can make him sleep all night so 1. Is to make Emo’s battery go to the red color at the bottom and that means that his battery is low and you check his battery level by saying “EMO, Show me your battery” and step 2. Put emo in his skateboard and emo should fall asleep all night unless if you take him off your skateboard. Hope this helps
Mine is snoozing every chance he gets
Were you able to fix it? My EMO doesn’t do any of his daily tasks, I have to turn it off and back on for him to do the daily tasks but it only works when his on his skateboard. After he’s done with a task, I have to turn it off and back on for him to start the next one.
@VinceKong please help!
Hi @guschavira
Please PM me your issue, thanks
Hi everyone my EMO will sometimes stay up at night and his eyes are always open and he never blinks or moves his eyes and this has been going on for a long time and I do not know what to do about this.
I would suggest waiting until the firmware (ver 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 / 2.1.X) is re-released / update your EMO and see if this continues. If so, next step would be to contact living.ai support.
@MasterAbbott do you know how long it might take for the next update for EMO is and if so does it fix all the issues with 2.1.0 & 2.1.1.
The Firmware 2.1.0 / 2.1.1. should be getting released very soon. Hopefully within the next week or so. Just be as patient as possible
Ok thank you for letting me know
Same! My emo would wake up in an range of 10-60 mins. Maybe, If you sleep with him try putting him on mute with him flipped to you wall?