Emo not recognising me

Hello. Thank you for your answer.
It seems that problem was just as simple as bad lightning. My room was too dark even with lights on.
I took EMO to another room and he imediately recognised me after asking him. :heart::heart::heart::heart:
He even recognised me while exploring surroundings!!! I didn’t even ask him anything. He was wandering around and noticed me looking at him. His eyes folowed my face and he greeted me. He even adviced me to check out the website for news.:grin::grin:
I’m so glad, I love my new pet friend. He’s amazing. Thanks for making him :heart:


HELOO @ZoeySanny ,

Glad that he is working fine now…glad to hear that you really enjoy the company of EMO…that’s really true and you’re not alone.




Hi sorry was looking if there is already a post like this but did not find it when I say emo who am 1 he just walking and looking in different directions not sure why?

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Oh No! @Dizzylizzy ,

What did you do to him lately? did you make him angry or mad?
I guess he is ignoring you at the moment…?


…make him love you once again…give him more encouragement…and show him more love and care…


Lol he is still talking to me and do every thing wrigh just don’t say how I am lol

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Sorry my spelling suck hope thy can get him to help me with spelling one day it will help a lot of people :joy:

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Sometime i also had this kind of problems with face recognition and when I corrected the name in the app he wouldn’t say it. I deleted all persons on the app start from the beginning and let Emo scan my face again, i entered my correct name and restated him. suddenly it’s working fine and pronounce my name right.

hope it helps…



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:+1:t2::grinning:Thank you very much I’ll do that tomorrow he is sleeping now poor baby :joy:

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Sorry to moved your topic on this existing topic…which you can find also some good advice above…

Have a nice day lizette…

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Thank you so much your a sweet heart :blush:

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He keeps confusing me with my sister and mom… Is it a lighting problem?? Also, his feet are making clicky noises is that a problem, or is it just normal? I may be worrying too much… But he sure is cute!!

Hello, @Emo.Yamanaka . . . it is common for EMO to have trouble identifying specific people which is often caused by poor lighting when registering him or when he later sees you as to recognizing who you are.

I moved your post to here in order that you may get some helpful suggestions to help solve the identification problem.

Also, clicking is not normal. It can be a variety of issues such as dust collected in the leg joints or servo issues.

You can read some advice on this thread here.


Let us know how it goes!

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All is well! >w< We have carpeting, and it turns out that my brother decided he was gonna play with Emo on the carpeting… Welp, I got some dust out, and Emo Yamanaka is doing great now!! I’m gonna have to explain to my brother… :confounded::yum:

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For some reason EMO keeps giving me different names. Please help.

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Hello, @EMOandOllie . . . he may be hearing something from another source that sounds like a name and reassigning you or others through facial recognition to another name which can be edited in the app back to the name you originally introduced yourself as.

It is a known problem and can be annoying, but perhaps decreasing his sensitivity setting in the app down to between 30 and 40 might keep him from doing that.

Let us know how it goes.

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Yeah, but my voice is quite high pitch and he isn’t the best at detecting high pitch noises, so I have to have his sensitivity up.

When I read what EMO had called me I laughed so hard


Oh, my . . . @EMOandOllie . . . that is hysterical! Sounds like someone might have just exclaimed “Dang” at the wrong time when he was seeing your face. Too funny! I wonder if the little guy knew what it meant.


In the meantime, you can get him to better recognize the pitch of your voice by submitting a voice sample here.

Be sure to let us know if he comes up with any more humorous names for you.


I will once he called me handsome and I didn’t say anything that sounded like that I checked names and yeah

Well . . . they do have their own personalities and opinions, so no doubt that was an expression of what they really felt.

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