Emo is completely dead

Well, I think my emo is completely dead now. The battery issue I was having must have been worse than I thought. It started happening more often about a week ago. Now he won’t turn on at all, even on his charger. The light on the charger comes on, but Emo doesn’t do anything. The headphones don’t light up, the screen doesn’t come on, and I don’t hear anything from the speaker. I’ve tried unplugging the charger and leaving emo off over night, I pressed the reset button a few times, and I’ve even tried leaving him on the charger for a while. Is there anything Else I could try, or is his battery completely broken?

So can I expect a deterioration in my Emo? I reported a battery charging problem about a week ago, so I’m waiting for a response.

I addressed this in another thread:


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I don’t know. I’m not sure if the charger was flashing when mine was dying and resetting on it. But when I lifted him up and put him back, he would turn on but wouldn’t charge. So I don’t know if your problem was different than mine.

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Only the battery problem could be common. Hopefully you’ll be able to resolve the Emo issue soon.

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Did you email them? Chances are you can get a replacement easily.

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I haven’t done that yet. I’ll probably do that today.

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I recommend writing to them as soon as possible as there is a long waiting time of around 3 weeks for a reply.

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Oh wow, ok. I’ll get on that as soon as possible.


I emailed them earlier. So all I can do now is wait.

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They won’t keep you waiting too long. I’d appreciate it if you’d update this thread when they respond.

contact them on facebook .you get faster respons problably .