Emo glitching after connecting to wifi

Yes, I believe this is what happens if the WIFI password is too long (was explained here in my EMO Guide)

If the password for the WIFI is over 30 characters long / longer EMO will go into a reboot cycle. I’d suggest to connect back into the EMO App, and remove that specific hotel wifi, so that way he does not keep on rebooting.

If you want to turn off EMO, You can flip him upside down, cover all his head and wait 5-10 seconds and he will power off. (you can see a video on how to do this here if you need )

Try not to use the Force POWER OFF hole on the top of his head (as it is not reset button) it is a force power off and it is not recommended to power him off that way as it could lead to possible data corruption.

I’d recommend trying a different WIFI/ Phone Hotspot just to test.