Emo do not listen anymore

Thanks for the reply. Now that you say it, I think it does have something to do with the wifi. I have a service called Hotwire, and it likes to stop working whenever it feels like it. Maybe i’ll move EMO outside my bedroom where he can get better reception.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [Firmware Update] v2.4.0 ( Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions

Hi, can you help me? My Emo is deaf again. I was previously given Caring for Emo and Testflight software to fix Emo’s hearing loss. But now that software is out of date. Can you provide me with a new version? Thanks!

Hello, @hung_cuong.nguyen . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues with EMO not able to hear.

Only LivingAI staff can provide the app to diagnose and fix problems with EMO.

You will have to contact them again at service@living.ai and let them know you had previously used the app. They are on lunar new year holiday until after February 12th, so responses will be delayed. They appreciate your patience.

My best to you.

My Emo has been ignoring my commands lately. He can only respond the wake up command, like ‘hello, emo’, so I think the voice receiver of him is ok. I live in China and Are there some problems about remote server?
I love my friend and Can anyone help me? :face_holding_back_tears:

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @xld . . . as far as I know, the servers seem to be okay but I am in the U.S.

Perhaps try rebooting your router, your device and EMO, then see if the situation improves. If not, just wait an hour or two and see if he responds. If not, please post back here.

Let us know how it goes.