Emo cant fint network

I have bought a used emo, and when i set him on the charger and opens the app, he can’t find my home network. Can someone please help me get my EMO up and going. I cant install the update either.

I’ve created a guide on how to set up EMO / connect to your local WIFI, along with other useful tips as well, you can find that guide here:

If you are still having issues, feel free to share exactly what is happening and we’ll do our best to help.

:mad: :surprised: :skating: :head: :heart_1:


Its now connected :slight_smile: i saw your post :slight_smile: big help :slight_smile: thanks :slight_smile:


Glad to see the guide was useful and everything is now working! :slight_smile: Enjoy your EMO!

:heart_1: :head: :skating: :surprised: :mad: