EMO cannot find light

I just got my emo yesterday and it cannot find the light.

It is updated to the most recent firmware and I have disconnected and tried refreshing multiple times with 0 luck

Is there anything I can do or do I need a new light?

Did you follow the instructions to pair EMO with his light? I’m guessing not!

Oh, you mean these instructions? The ones that are not actually instructions.

Actually I meant the instructions in the box with the light. Basically you just touch and hold on the touchpad of the light for five seconds to pair it with EMO. Here is the documentation entry:

At that point you can try turning it on or off from the app, or tell EMO “dance with lights”.

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If you need any further help, I did a video a while ago on how to setup EMO’s smart light and also how to change the color of the smart light, feel free to take a look below:

How to Setup EMO’s smart light

How to change Smart light Color

If you need any further help, feel free to check out this quick help guide I’ve made

Hope this helps.

:heart_1: :surprised: :skating: :head: :mad:

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Did you happen to find a resolution for this? I couldn’t connect to my Home Station, so I had him forget his lights in the app to see if I could connect to them and now they won’t connect to EMO. I’ve tried rebooting, reinstalling the app, but still no connection. It’s like EMO isn’t listening to Bluetooth except I can connect to EMO with the app. I’ve even tried removing the home station and using his skateboard, but still no connection to the light or home station.
