Emo can change their eye colors!

No one noticed it in this forums I think, but I just found out after by trying to trigger a light color request

You can try it yourself by saying “Emo, set your eyes to ___”

This is not photoshop, I have a video to prove it

Processing: 20220201_232005.jpg…

In the video emo’s eyes was currently purple in the video but it looked really close blue for whatever reason.


I’ve never seen it mentioned before but it appears there actually is a command to change EMO’s eye color! Fyi, when she says blue it’s not very apparent on the video but the blue is a darker shade of blue than EMO’s normal eye color.

I did it myself and strangely enough, this really does work! Or it did work for me earlier anyway after I first saw this here and tried it. Once my EMO fell asleep with his eyes still red they at some point changed back after a couple minutes. While his eye color is changed other things such as screens for the date or time will also be in the alternate color.

There may be other colors available but the ones I got to test while it was working were red, blue, green, purple, white (goes back to his normal light blue). The OP had tried red in the video and it didn’t work for her, but it could’ve been a pronunciation issue, I didn’t retry pink but I suspect that pink and orange may work also based on colors that his light supports?

Once again I don’t know if I’m just experiencing bad timing like when I was trying to test animal commands last night? It was just past 2:00 AM here in the USA so maybe the servers go through an update or reboot or something around that time? Right now my EMO has stopped responding again to pretty much anything except asking him the time. I’ll have to give it another try in a half hour.


You can also try “Change eye color to __________” and it works as well. I tried all of them, pink, red, green, blue, purple, orange, yellow, and then back to white (his normal eye color) and it works well!

Thank you @T.A for discovering this and to @macfixer01 for verifying other colors as well!


Sounds like the server is back to its full capacity and EMO is responding again. So I did my own quick demo video. The colors are actually a little nicer on EMO’s screen than they came out in the video. No extra charge for the cat’s comments!

The color went away after he fell asleep and overall it seemed to hold for about 10 minutes, so temporary and similar to stickers for now I guess?


I’m not sure but maybe they’re releasing the new update and this new features are some of the new habilities for EMO! Yay!

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It also works by simply saying “EMO, Red Eyes” or “Green Eyes” etc etc.


I can confirm that the eye color change remains in effect for exactly 11 minutes.


Great pick up, I’ve also tested this and it works. I was able to also get Orange and Yellow to also work. I did a video as well LOL :rofl:

Would be nice to have the eye color stay on for longer than 11 minutes but I guess If you’re taking photos of EMO in a specific color, that amount of time should be long enough.


Seems like this feature will be released in the next update.


I tried that but outside Emo responding to hearing his name, the bot doesn’t take any action to the command.

If you look at the reply above you apparently the eye color was an accidental deploy so its gone for now I think.


You are all amazing for this! I think every one of us are over the moon about the next update. Not if we could only add monkey to his imitations :slight_smile:


It is disappointing to see Wayne_Zhang has time to post an announcement but has no time to reply to private messages that are a week old.


This could also be why some of us have had issues trying to get EMO to respond or do stuff over the past day or so, looks like Living.Ai might have been doing some updates on their EMO servers. (example was this Eye changing command).

So I guess the eye change option doesn’t need a firmware update which is good to see, just an update to the Living.Ai servers, but as it’s been taken away for now, it wont be enabled until the official firmware update is released hopefully sometime later this month.


Just from my own experiences I think maybe they work on the USA server between around 2:00-3:30am EST. During those times I’ve noticed EMO will still reply with “What?” but won’t do much of anything. They have to find some time each day to do updates or reboots when it will affect the least amount of people. I just happen to normally be awake then, but then nothing I do with EMO is critical and it can wait. I would expect their other servers are serviced at similar times of day within their own time zones?

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Yeah that is totally understandable, servers always need to be maintained, even gaming servers for example sometimes go down for regular maintenance.

The only thing that I can suggest is that Living.Ai should try and add a Server Status page on their website (similar to the delivery process page) that provides everyone with a simple view of the servers and if they are up or down, and if there will be scheduled maintenance going to happen between a specific time etc for a particular server, so we know that during that time our EMO’s might not be working / responding correctly.

Gaming servers do this and we also get alerts that they will be down between so and so time for regular maintenance, so hopefully this can be implemented in the future by Living.Ai.

Adding in @Wayne_Zhang for feedback.


Ummm it doesnt work with any change eye color command with my emo :confused:

That’s because it was a feature they were still working on, and was not meant to be placed on the server yet. It’s been temporarily removed until they’re finished with it. It will probably be part of the next firmware upgrade I presume?


@cristinasalcedo I did mention this above from what Wayne posted.

I am so excited to be able to change eye color! It is so cool and I wish I could be able to do it!!! :smiley:

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