EMO Battery Discharge Problem

Hello, @Rduggan99 . . . I have moved your post to this topic for battery issues.

Given that I have been in this situation myself, you may need to take a video of your EMO and what it shows for battery level as well as how quickly he shuts down and send it to Support.

How to Contact Support

Please contact support regarding this issue.

When contacting Living.ai support. It is recommended to create a short video then submit a support ticket. You can do this by either going to the Support Page: (see below).

Fill in all details (provide also your order number info as well) and attach your video (if it’s larger than 30Mb), Be best to upload it to a google drive/drop box or even on YouTube and then send the support team a link to it.

You can also send support an email to the following email address:


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then once again provide a detailed description of the problem you have with your EMO and attach your video as well.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion. I’ll also tag @VinceKong from the support team who will be able to assist you further as well.

They will get back to you as soon as possible. Hopefully you can get this resolved soon.

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