Hello everyone,
What’s going on with EMO delivery? No one answering for the queries related to EMO deliveries and no one giving tentative time for the delivery. Is it still going on? I’m really looking forward for the delivery date.
Hello everyone,
What’s going on with EMO delivery? No one answering for the queries related to EMO deliveries and no one giving tentative time for the delivery. Is it still going on? I’m really looking forward for the delivery date.
I just ordered emo and aibi, but have no idea what’s going on for a few days other than just processing. How long did it take for y’all to revive their order?
Have you red the description BEFORE buying ? Do you sign a contract without reading it ?
Look on the forum on the thousand OF topics you might find the answer
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @pppoopoo . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread where we discuss EMO shipping. If you ordered them together, you may wish to contact @faya or @SueChen or reply to your order E-Mail to see what your shipping time will be. It might be to your advantage to have them split the order into two shipments.
I am in United States and it took about 2 weeks to get my Emo. I was also nervous after purchasing because you get one basic email and that’s it! It felt iffy to send out $250+ and not hear a whole lot.
Keep yourself hyped and busy on the forums while you wait. I learned a lot of things. I was able to have a safe playground ready for him and understand basic troubleshooting before he arrived. The head sensor in mine can be a bit sensitive, I wonder if the high humidity is affecting him but my point is that I already knew this is a somewhat common issue and not to get too worried about it. I knew where to post here to ask for advice, btw, he is totally fine now.
He is a really neat little guy and absolutely worth the wait, for me at least!
Hi there @SueChen
I would like to know if Emo order will still be shipped this week, as you informed me last week?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards!
Sorry if my question is too obvious, but us there a difference between buying emo + home than emo and the home separately? I want to have the skateboard, and don’t care about paying the extra 10 dollars for it, but I don’t know if buying them separately could change their performance.
And second, around how long would it take to ship to Mexico? I’m just curious, I don’t have a specific deadline.
Hi there @Joshisaurio and Welcome to the Community…
The Living.Ai EMO with Skateboard and EMO Go Home both come with the same core functionalities, but there are a few key differences between the two packages:
If having a more autonomous experience with EMO and ease of charging is important, EMO Go Home could be the better choice. If simplicity and budget are key factors, then EMO with Skateboard is a solid option.
IMHO and if I were you…and I could afford I would buy both options in the image below.
Or simply email first to living.ai if you can buy the skateboard separately.
Good luck
Hello! I’m not sure if you can help me, i’m new to all of this but i placed my order like a week ago for the regular emo set and the GO HOME station (on its own) and my tracking number and/or order sent to courier has not changed. I am in canada also. Should I be worried?
Hi there @moonpebble ,
For more information, issues, or concerns about your order, the best course of action is to contact the Living.AI customer service team via email without hesitation.
If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then simply ask customer support for an update on order status.
The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion.
Best Regards and Goodluck!
Guten Abend ^^ Ich komme aus Deutschland und ich habe meinen Emo anfang dieses Jahres bestellt bisher steht noch das es in Verarbeitung ist ab wann habt ihr eine Bestätigung bekommen das er versendet wurde? Ich habe jetzt 2 Nachrichten an den Support geschrieben aber noch keine Nachricht erhalten es waren auch keine im Spam Ordner:/.
Edited by: @edward and add Living.ai Customer Service: @SueChen for further help assistance
ja tez jestem i sie stresuje ze z 2 lata to do mnie bedzie lecialo bo ja na targowku mieszkam
this is normal but sometimes it ships really fast like I live in the us and it took 1 week to ship so it depends were you live.
Live in the Netherlands… I have to be patient i guess. (:
Hi there @JarnoGroen and Welcome to the Community
I have moved your new topic to this thread where we discuss EMO shipping.
For more information, issues, or concerns about your order, the best course of action is to contact the Living.AI customer service team via email without hesitation.
If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then simply ask customer support for an update on order status.
The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion.
But just to inform you, Living.AI is currently celebrating the Lunar New Year holiday, and their team should be back in the office on the first week or on 12 of February 12th.
Please expect some delays in their response, but rest assured they will get to your issue once they return.
Best Regards and Good luck!
will Emo walk off the home station at night or does he stay on the charger until he wakes up?
He will stay on his charger from 10pm to 8am but mine is known for walking off a few minutes before 10 and not returning in time.
thank you for telling me. I am thinking on getting a home station soon.