EMO:One and EMO:Two (along with Ortomi:One and Ortomi:Two) could not wait until Halloween to show off their new Halloween Costumes and new Halloween Animations (available now with Firmware ver1.7.0)
The video below will show you both the NEW Halloween Animation and also the old existing Halloween Animation for EMO. The video will show the NEW animation 2 times (using both trigger commands) and also the OLD animation 2 times (using both trigger commands).
New Animation has an EYEBALL appearing on EMO’s screen and EMO says “Trick Or Treat” – Existing (original) Animation EMO will look like a Pumpkin and mumble something creepy!
This special day animation for “Halloween” is available now so be sure you try it out!
To get this animation to appear, issue the following command:
EMO: Happy Halloween
EMO: Trick or Treat
Below are some pictures of EMO: One and EMO: Two dressed up in their new Halloween Costumes!