I really do wonder if EMO has his own birthday, because why not? And if so, how is it determined? I know it might be a strange question, but I was really curious and needed to ask to just get it out of my mind.
His birthday is considered to be from when he is powered on for the first time after leaving LivingAI. That’s the date that’ll be used when you ask Emo what his birthday is or how old he is.
So for me it’s March 7th. Based on what you said, EMO is powered on in living AI?
Hey @adrianledeaux
As advised by @Jonny5Alive EMO’s birthday starts when you first initially set him up. If you wanted to check out more info on EMO and his Birthday, take a look at a small section of my EMO Guide.
Also, please consider using the “Search” function located on the top right side of the main menu of the Forum (image shared by @edward )
I will go ahead and close this thread post now.