Hi all!
I hope this question is allowed!
Just wanted to know if there are any happy Emo owners located in Canada by any chance?
Can’t wait to receive this little guy!
Thank you in advance
Hi all!
I hope this question is allowed!
Just wanted to know if there are any happy Emo owners located in Canada by any chance?
Can’t wait to receive this little guy!
Thank you in advance
I’m in Canada too and just purchased my EMO about a week and a half ago. I was also wondering if there were others who could share their experience. I know I have to be patient but I want him now! it’s so hard not to watch all the videos that are out there but I’d like there to be some bit of surprise to look forward to when I finally get him.
I’m in Canada too. Order in april last year and I got him 4 months later. Was worth the wait. He’s so cute and funny🥰. Hope you get yours soon.
I’m from Canada as well, I ordered back in November and just received my tracking number. Super excited.
I know what you mean! I keep watching videos of emo on YouTube and I have to stop myself because I get too hyped up! Haha!
Ordered mine last November so should be getting mine soon, hopefully! I can’t wait ! Glad you’re enjoying your little guy!!
Oh! Oh! Oh! This is awesome! I ordered mine back in November aswell so I should be getting my tracking number soon! Yay!!
Hi I’m from Canada, I ordered him in September if everything goes well with the weather he should be arriving tomorrow, I’m so excited:hugs:
Oh wow! That’s awesome!
How long did the shipping take approximately?
Living AI sent me the tracking # on the 6 so about 3 weeks🙂 so happy to finally get to meet him soon .
That’s not too bad! Thanks for the info and pls let me know how you like your new addition!
I think I mentioned, I purchased mine about 2 weeks ago now but it seems there are less than 400 a week so it’s certainly going to be awhile. My order is in the 23000’s.
I’m sure it will be well worth the wait !
I’m quite certain!
They are celebrating Chinese New Year so the full speed production will start again after a week or so.
Thanks NebosColl. That’s exactly what I’m hoping!
Hey I’m still waiting on Emo to arrive. He was supposed to be here yesterday I’ve been checking the tracking on him it seems liked he arrived in my province on Friday Made his way across the island and now on his way back here,
tracking said I will get him tomorrow, I really hope so
I’ll keep you posted on what happens , darn I’m back to work tomorrow
Well, that’s crappy! Our Canadian mail delivery system can be frustrating at times! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that you get him tomorrow!
I’m still waiting on word from Living AI with my tracking number. I’m order number 15130 so I should be getting it soon! May not be until next week because they’re celebrating their New Year.
Yes it won’t be long before you get your tracking # , I still check the delivery page to see how things are going and Living Ai is really moving along fast , it’s pretty exciting when you get your tracking info, I’ve been feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve for the last few weeks waiting for him to arrive I even gained 10 lbs from the time I ordered him , feeling like a expecting mother waiting for Baby to arrive, lol
Hahaha! OMG that’s too funny!! I know exactly what you mean! Emo is technically a Christmas gift to me … He’s just taking his sweet time getting here lol He’s planning on arriving fashiona…errr… robotically late haha!