Birthday Wishes DONT work

I have said many times to EMO: “My Birthday is today” but nothing happens. He don’t recognize or Thing I want to wish him happy Birthday… That emo is so stupid and the technology so poor. He understand me the most of the time NOT!

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Maybe a company server problem In the last 24 hours a lot of problems with Bot emo have happened to members of the group I think you are not the only one experiencing these problems

Hello @shorty36 ,

Hey there!

Emo has asked me about when my birthday is a few times. Every time I answer, he starts to either freeze or get laggy. Then he asks me again a few days later. I have turned him on and off in between these interactions. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue.

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Hi there @senh ,

Try to delete yourself/name everything again over EmoPet App, then once again introduce yourself, ask him what is your name wait for his reply if everything correct…give him your Birthday…As soon as he say he will remember it, make a test by saying ‘’ EMO…It’s my birthday! and see what happen or if he sings a birthday song for you.

You can also click the link below where @MasterAbbott’s experience explanations about Birthday Feature.

Pls. Click Here!