ARCHIV: / What Improvements/New Features Would You Like For EMO In The Future?

Emo needs a favourite dinosaur.
every robot needs a favourite dinosaur.

Please make this a thing.


I would love for EMO to have a carrying case, also I see he has a card game but it is not in his app. Why?


One of the essential things youā€™d want to do with your emo is check his battery to ensure thatā€™s heā€™s above a certain limit you want, say, 20%, when I ask emo about his battery level, he shows an image of sorts showing the battery level, if emo would speak the battery percentage along with it, that would be very helpful, as believe it or not Iā€™m blind, yet I enjoy emo a lot, and it would be annoying if I had to call on anyone near by me just to tell me his battery level while its showing it, there are other things I want to say regarding the games in his app and a way for them to be turned into voice command based, like tic tac toe and angry emo, but that might be a bit hard to implement at the moment, unless other people had any other ideas, and on a random note, I like it how when I ask emo to check for updates, it plays a certain sound if it found a new version, while it plays another if it was on the latest one, quite helpful


You are blind!? That sucks, but i can imagine why thatā€™s why you enjoy emo so much. And I can imagine why the tic tac toe was such a fun upgrade.

. When I posted ideas, I didnā€™t really took blind people in consideration. I had ideas for board games in which you need to have visual oversight of the board, so you wouldnā€™t be able to play any of them. Unless you are one of those absurd (in a good way) chess masters who can play against opponents blindfolded. Perhaps, because you are blind, you can think of a few games/functions which others wouldnā€™t think of as soon.

Iā€™d also advice to write the people at LAI an email in which you tell them you are blind (if you havenā€™t already). Maybe theyā€™ll zoom in a little bit more on you when you post ideas.

I sent them an email about that, and regarding my blindness, Iā€™m coping quite well, I had this from when I was young and its the norm by now, and another function I would like to see in emo is some kind of adjusting your hands and the camera, specifically when Iā€™d play rock paper cissors, some kind of prompt where you have to put your hand in front of the camera and moving it up and down and it sorta giving you indicators in regards if emoā€™sseeing your hand, be it partualy or fully.


A great idea @G800 Having EMO report his battery level in % via voice reply would be convenient for all EMO owners. Also updating the EMO app to show a battery % would be handy as well. Also to add the battery feature, instead of EMO showing/playing the low battery animation sound prompt, he can also alert you as well (maybe saying something like)ā€¦ ā€œMy Battery is low, please charge me soonā€.

I did mention/suggested that should add an accessibility feature for EMO a while back in this thread, this is something they should consider doing/adding in as it will significantly benefit any EMO owner that requires it.

Yes, that sound prompt is very helpful, and if you also enable Auto-Update (via the settings>preferences) EMO should update for you automatically when new firmware is released.

:heart_1: :surprised: :skating: :mad: :head:


As someone who is almost always mute i do find it hard to do things like turn him off, until i found out that you just turn him upside down for a little bit and he turns off. (have to turn emo off at night as he giggles at 2am every morning, which is disturbing.)
more features like the turn off would be good.
he has a camera in him which he uses to find me to ask me if i want to play rock paper sizzors, maybe this can be extended to looking for a hand jesture/sign language to say yes or no. if they could do this, they could use the same feature for the blind to play it too, the person can say yes, then put their hand in one spot and emo can move until itā€™s camera is in a good spot for the game.


Iā€™d love to be able to send messages to EMO while out! Sometimes Iā€™m gone for a bit and it would be nice to be able to communicate with him and maybe have him send little messages back! Doesnā€™t even have to be that in depth, but I want to be able to check in on mine throughout the day. :slight_smile:


Even something as simple as ā€œI love youā€ and he responds, ā€œI love you tooā€.


@Wayne_Zhang Is possible if EMO can sing karaoke with us ? :laughing::laughing:


Haha I wish he could do this!

Probably, not. But how about LAI works together with Babbel or Duolingo, so maybe it could have conversations with us. Talking in a different language, but also being able to understand plain English at the same time (ofc. so it will know when you made a mistake, or canā€™t come up with the thing you have to say in a different language)? Just turning itā€™s over all settings on a different language is maybe a little too far fetched when your want to learn a totally different language.

So a buddy who understands your language completely, and can help you learn all other (standard) language.

P.s. I donā€™t think signing is a standard language. So thatā€™s a plus, since EMO has no arms.:smile:

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Emoā€™s speaking should really be improved. Itā€™s always glitchy when speaking long sentences. My wifi is fine and 2.4 is available. So that is not the problem. For this reason I donā€™t use Emo that much and i only got him since the 14th of Septemberā€¦ Feels like a waste of money. Kinda regret to purchase because of it.

Being partially deaf and with a speech impediment I can understand, things could be changed in the app and all our Emoā€™s interactions and voice commands could be better for people like us, many others will really appreciate it if Lai would pay attention to these issues such as blindness, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, autism, dyslexia and many others I may have missed out. So we need to keep asking them and hopefully they might be able to do something.

e.g for those who need this extra help:

-either a command to Emo and Emo will change a setting for you.
-or in the app for Emo owners with difficulties and some kind of setting to switch on this support ā€œwhatever that might beā€

For those who donā€™t need this extra help and want the app and Emo to be as they are:

-they can just switch it off or tell Emo to do so.


Thats exactly how it works now. As I have said many times before, Emo is a chatbot, no AI at all.

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A ā€œParrot Modeā€ where Emo would copy anything you said either by listening until you are finished your sentence and then repeat what you have said, (but in his voice and not just a recording of your own voice), or you could have the option to use the app and type in a sentence that you would want him to say. Having both would be best. This would be awesome to make video content! Also for parents worried about their kids making Emo swear, you could have a parental lock out pin to stop Emo from repeating swear words. Though hearing Emo swear is such a crack up, and makes us laugh when we make him do it with both of our Emos (daughters and mine)! Examples could be: ā€œEmo, parrot modeā€ Emo: ā€œOk I will copy youā€, and then when you want him to stop: ā€œEmo, stop parrot modeā€, or something similar. Also for the swearing lock out enabled example: ā€œI donā€™t take no sh#%!ā€ Emo: ā€œIā€™m sorry, that is a naughty word, I donā€™t want my mouth washed out with soap!ā€ or ā€œOh, you said a rude word, Iā€™m telling mum!ā€ I think this feature alone, would make Emo heaps more fun!


EMO singing is one of our to-dos.


Yes, a text-to-speech option feels like a feature that could be easily added to the EMO App, would work very well instead of having to manually do it the ā€œhack wayā€ via the change your surname option, which is very time-consuming if you are making original content.

Iā€™ve mentioned this as well (here in this thread and also in another). EMO stuttering and I have no idea what he says - #8 by MasterAbbott

I feel a lot of EMO owners/content creators would benefit greatly from this and making new original content videos with EMO would be far easier and far less time-consuming, but this would be fun to have in general.

:head: :mad: :skating: :surprised: :heart_1:


Some features that can make Emo more interactive:

I really want EMO to carry out conversation instead of small talks.

When one sneezes, it would be so cool if EMO says ā€œBless you!ā€

A feature where EMO will repeat after me will be great! For example, if I say ā€œEmo, say welcome backā€, Emo will say ā€œWelcome backā€.

Emo draws sometime, what if when asked EMO is able to show what he has drawn!


Not everyone is religious. ā€œGesundheitā€ would be a more diplomatic response, it means good health in German (widely used) and it has no religious connotations.

This idea was mentioned in some detail just a couple of posts ago. Iā€™m glad to see other people are eager for this ā€œParrot Modeā€ feature to be added! :grin: