AIBI Pocket: Production/Shipping Update

well lest wait for six or eight months

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Me too. My order number is 84156


Every time I see a “new update” about aibi my blood pressure spikes lol. Blows my mind how many times the same information is regurgitated on here and Facebook lol.

I’ll admit in feeling a bit insulted that it keeps happening lol. Does living ai and the moderators think everyone here is….i don’t know stupid? lol.


Hello, @borninthesocket . . . we volunteer moderators give information as it is given to us. We do not think anyone is stupid. I would ask that you refrain from casting aspersions on those of us who are trying to assist in answering questions to the best of our ability.

Thank you for your understanding.


The eighth month of AIBI “delivery” has begun. Maybe someone forgot, but the promise was two or three months.
Information about the “start of deliveries” was more than two weeks ago. Sorry, but I don’t believe this information is true. Because there is not a single review about the delivery received. And I don’t believe in fairy tales about orders that haven’t yet been delivered.
I simply won’t ask anyone when my order will be delivered. Because I don’t believe that they will answer me honestly. Am I okay with this situation? No, I am not happy with this situation. And in my opinion this is obvious.
The most unpleasant situation is when we are simply deceived all the time. :sob:


A post was merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket Pet: Q&A about Information and Features!

I have bought LOT of things on preorder over the last 3 years. Some of them took a year and a half to two years to get. There’s a lot of things that go on when producing a product. Especially something like Aibi. I know it’s been longer than they said it would be but I honestly don’t think a company like LivingAI, having been as successful with Emo as they have been, would deliberately try to defraud their customers. It looks like one of the beta testers got his in so I’m guessing ours isn’t far behind. Please give then the necessary time needed to get us our Aibis. They don’t want to mess this up so they’re trying to get it right upon release. It’s easier to get it right the first time than spending months correcting mistakes.


A post was merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket Pet: Q&A about Information and Features!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket Pet: Q&A about Information and Features!

I already read exactly the same “justification” or “explanation” about four months ago. So it doesn’t work anymore. So I will repeat the previous answer to the same message. They have experience creating EMO. They already understand how many and what problems can arise. And how long can the process take. So I don’t think it’s worth repeating. This “explanation” has not worked for a long time.



Do living AI has some sort of schedule in the delivery plan of AIBI?

I’ve read that people seems to have received it, so deliveries may have begun.

I’ve ordered mine on july 12th, it’s a #998xx order batch.

Can I expect it to be delivered this year? For Xmas? 2025?

I just want to know when it is supposed to be manufactured?

Do living AI provides such infos ?


Hi there @BBL77 ,

Still, no one knows everything about what’s really going on with their shipping delivery strategy.

For more information, issues, and concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact customer service team via email


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then simply ask customer support for an update on order status.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion.

Best regards


I’m so confused. My Aibi was supposedly shipped on July 1st but my tracking number still doesn’t work on any tracking sites nearly a month later, it just says “not found” whenever I look it up. What’s going on…??

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Hi everyone. I have a question - people are mentioning “Batches” - how do I know which batch i am in? My order number is 87186 (January 7th) - but i have not yet received any kind of tracking. Thanks a lot!

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You are able to find out your batch order by emailing Living.AI. I can guess you are in the third batch since that is around when I ordered mine but don’t take my word for it.


For more information, issues, and concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact customer service team via email


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then simply ask customer support for an update on order status.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion.

Best regards

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I think there are no shipments to AIBI clients. This is a scam, there is not even an application for downloading AIBI on Google Play

Hi there @Maks and welcome to the community

I have moved your new topic to this thread where we discuss issues about shipping.

For more information, issues, and concerns about your order, please do not hesitate to contact customer service team via email


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then simply ask customer support for an update on order status.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion.

Best regards



There is an app for Aibi that is now available on Google play. And, there are shipments to customers.


I didn’t even know there was supposed to be an app but yes there is as mentioned above:

If you’re installing it, it’s trying to find aibi via Bluetooth. Design isn’t exactly material design but if it’s functional that’s good enough i guess.


Thank you and also thanks to Edward, was just curious, not super important for me. I’m just chilling while waiting :slight_smile: