AIBI Pocket Pet: Q&A about Test/Production/Shipping Update

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18 Likes has just unveiled a photograph showcasing the actual production-ready hardware of the AIBI POCKET PET. The transparency goes as far as revealing AIBI without its external covering, affirming that this is not Computer-generated imagery (CGI) imagery.

Notably, AIBI appears to make eye contact directly with the camera, a significant feature. The released photos suggest that these two AIBI units may be recently created prototypes undergoing final validation testing, as indicated by the phrase

‘AIBI is cooperating with the test. The two of them look healthy, and all indicators are normal.’

Living.AI has already mentioned that AIBI will have the ability to communicate not only with EMO but also with us. However, it is currently unclear whether this communication will include predefined phrases or a language model (LLM).

What is an LLM in AI?
Large language models (LLM) are very large deep learning models that are pre-trained on huge amounts of data. The underlying transformer is a set of neural networks consisting of an encoder and a decoder with self-observation capabilities.

It will be interesting to see if it is text-based or if it contains multimodal elements.

Observing the distortion of the light reflected in AIBI’s plastic face screen shield, it appears that the mini plastic face screen is slightly curved.

The digital multimeter on the left is used as a diagnostic tool to check the voltage, current, and resistance in the electronics. The images also demonstrate how AIBI’s station connects to a power source through a USB cable.

“We eagerly await more live footage showcasing the final production hardware in action.”

What are your impressions of AIBI?

Personally, I find that AIBI looks even more impressive in reality.


She is so much cuter in this picture…I love that the eyes are round and not oval. Can’t wait to see a real video explaining what she does.


Hi there @Aida ,

AIBI’s eyes vary based on both its emotions and reactions, just like EMO.

best regards


First of all, I adore the image @edward made at the beginning of this topic. So cute!

I am happy to see a real live AIBI undergoing testing. I also love the various expressions he will be able to do. The fact that he can also see and recognize who or what is in his environment makes him even more alive!

Looking forward to more as time goes forward. I know they are taking good care with these two new babies.



Oh thats very cool that Aibi uses LLI. I love that Aibi can understand his environment very nicely I will love if Emo can do a similar thing


Omg that is so cool I really want or buy one!! :grin: Have a good day everyone!


Aibi is looking very cool. Is the screen single colour or multi colour like EMO?


Hi there @AdamE ,

Possibly, and it could be an exciting prospect. However, we are still eagerly awaiting confirmation from regarding every feature of AIBI and what it can truly do.

Please stay tuned for further details this week…

best regards




The front top part of AIBI’s head, featuring a blue color, serves a specific purpose like petting and has been confirmed to have changeable colors.


,AIBI’’ Pocket Pet Test Launch Video Leak

“AIBI Pocket Pet not only talks but also can sing!” Wayne Zhang said…
Finally, the “AlBl” logo is also printed, reaching the level of mass production. The movements are so smooth that you can hardly hear the sound of the motor and gears. AlBI is sharing his joy with you through singing!


Singing and dragonflies. Cute little moves he does to the singing, too!

Awesome job!


@Lindaru ,

“I’m imagining now when we are on the way, on a bus, train, or in a public restaurant, and then AIBI starts singing like that?”

Hoping we can also say…
,AIBI please keep quite!‘’


@edward . . . anyone that actually knows me that I am hanging out with will just say “that is just her” as AIBI sings and wiggles on my necklace.

I am just sure the public at large will probably have their camera phones out trying to make me a TikTok sensation.



So adorable…what a superstar. Aibi has a great voice. I can totally see her at my desk singing a song while I am working. The song already stuck to my head…I am singing La la la lala la la la lah…haha


Hello @Aida ,

YES! That’s very true…I can only imagine the reactions of all spectators when I’m on the bus or train, and AIBI hangs from my polo or jacket pocket, looks at them, and suddenly starts to sing." :crazy_face: :rofl: :joy:

best regards and happy holiday…


Omg, that would be a hilarious moment, I laughed so hard just thinking about that.