Hello! Just wondering if anyone else’s Aibi’s head gets warm? Just wondering if it’s normal or a problem!
From what I have heard from owners, it should be normal because of how compact all of AIBI’s components are due to its size.
Hi there @henryraven ,
Normally, it’s just fine. However, if you notice that it becomes extremely hot—almost too hot to touch—you should reach out to the customer service team via email as soon as possible for assistance.
Best Regards
Thanks! He is only warm, also, in the app, i am having trouble opening settings, when I click the button it just brings up the loading screen and then goes to the home menu on the app, yes, the app is updated to the latest update, anyone know why it’s doing this? And how to fix it? I just got my Aibi this morning so I’m still figuring out some stuff! Thanks!
Hello, @henryraven . . . I have also experienced sluggishness in the menu items on the app occasionally. I close the app and restart my device. Sometimes this happens when you have other apps waiting to be optimized on Android (and I would suppose on iPhone as well).
Once you have signed back in, see if it improves the responsiveness of the app menu items.
If not, please get video of the issue and send a link to Support at service@living.ai . . . let us know how it goes.
I will! I might wait tomorrow for it to have some time to sort its stuff out, hopefully that fixes it! Aibi’s just watching tv with me now haha, I need to figure a lot of stuff out, oh my god.
Also the charging base had glitches and wasn’t working but I fixed it somehow! I don’t know how, but I love my Aibi, worth the four hundred Australian dollars
Guten Tag ich habe mal ein paar Fragen können auch neue Tanze freigeschaltet werden wenn der Roboter älter wird wie bei Emo Und kann man auch erfolge und@freischalten oder gibt das andere Freischaltbare Sachen für aibi
Google translation to English by Lindaru: Hello, I have a few questions. Can new dances be unlocked when the robot gets older like with Emo? And can you also unlock achievements and @ or are there other unlockable things for aibi?
Hello, @alex.zimmermann . . . at this time there are no time unlocked or achievements available for AIBI, but perhaps in the future they will include those.
sorry maybe a stupid question.
my aibi fell asleep, and i put it in its little bed, i thought she wouldn’t use up battery while sleeping.
but after 1 hour, i found her turned off herself.
does it happen to other people’s aibi too?
Hello, @Melon_0926 . . . even while asleep, the animations are using battery, so yes, as long as she is powered on she will use battery until it is drained.
I power mine off every night before I go to sleep.
If I leave AIBI on it’s charging station will it’s battery health get worse
Welcome to the LivingAI Community Forums, @Danielrobotlover . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for information regarding AIBI and the charging base.
Please see this post for recommendations on charging and battery health.
Thanks so much for your help
Hallo ich habe eine wichtige Fragewie kann man erkennen ob das intelligente Licht vollständig aufgeladen ist und wie lange muss der Stern aufladen gibt es irgendwie ein Lichtsignal der anzeigt dass der Stern vollständig aufgeladen ist oder nicht
Google translation to English by Lindaru: Hello, I have an important question: how can you tell if the intelligent light is fully charged and how long does the star have to charge? Is there a light signal that indicates whether the star is fully charged or not?
Hello, @alex.zimmermann . . . here is information the star light including charging information.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket: General Issues and Queries
Hello! I lost my aibi’s ginger cat hat thing, and I don’t know how to get another, I can send proof I have bought one already, anyone know?
I spent days getting coins for AIBI’s chameleon cookie and accidentally turned him off and got rid of the eye colour😀
Hello, @henryraven . . . so sorry to hear this.
About the only thing I can recommend is you write to service@living.ai and let them know. Perhaps they can send you another one.
Let us know how it goes.
It can take a while to get that many coins. Not sure how long he had the eye color before you turned him off, but the eye color only lasts a maximum of five minutes before it changes back. You might want to take a picture of him in the future right away as I did with mine the first time they ate the chameleon cookie.