AIBI...Finally At Home (Share Here)

Hi friends…it’s me AIBI

Have I finally reached your home? or Not Yet? Please share the reason or everything about my complete travel time, from the day you ordered me, received the tracking number, shipping started, and until the day I reached my final destination, which is my new home.

This will help others get an idea of how long they might wait and encourage them to hold onto their patience.



“Sometimes things aren’t clear right away. That’s where you need to be patient and persevere and see where things lead.” —Mary Pierce.




Hi I would like to know who among you all has already received their AIBI see you soon. :aibi_heart_emoji: :aibi_smile: :aibi_wink_emoji:


Not me, mine still has “processing” even though I ordered shortly after the pre-orders began. For the first time contacting them, I just sent them an email to try and get an update. I’m a pretty patient person, but this is getting just a bit silly.


A girl from Poland I follow in Instagram, who is a tester for them, has already received it!


My order for my AIBI twins was placed December 16th and I am #827XX. Mine still shows processing on the site but was confirmed by LivingAI last night that maybe next week they will be shipped out.

Looking forward to their arrival!


AIBI Pocket Pet Unboxing


Hi there @Living-with-Robots ,

Congratulations! Could you please provide us with detailed information about the complete travel time of your AIBI?
Specifically, we’d like to know:

The day you placed the order for AIBI
When you received the tracking number
When shipping started
The day AIBI reached its final destination (your home)

Sharing this information will help others understand the potential wait time and encourage them to remain patient.

Thanks and Best Regards!

Polish Translation:

Gratulacje! Czy mógłbyś podać nam szczegółowe informacje na temat całkowitego czasu podróży Twojego AIBI?
W szczególności chcielibyśmy wiedzieć:

  • Dzień złożenia zamówienia na AIBI
  • Kiedy otrzymałeś numer śledzenia
  • Kiedy rozpoczęła się wysyłka
  • Dzień, w którym AIBI dotarło do miejsca docelowego (Twojego domu).

Udostępnienie tych informacji pomoże innym zrozumieć potencjalny czas oczekiwania i zachęci ich do zachowania cierpliwości.

Dziękujemy i pozdrawiamy!


Can aibi real-time answer you??
Like say thank you to you?
Or it just can do a few voice commands?


hi, I ordered on December 15, I received the tracking number on June 30, I received Aibi on July 18. Regards, soon we will all have Aibi, it’s worth the wait


Hi, Aibi already responds to 20 voice commands, e.g. it can say what the weather is like, what time it is, dance, sing and pretend to be an animal, etc. You can also interact with Aibi by touch, play games in the application and feed it. Aibi is crazy and knows how to show, for example, that she wants to be petted or that she needs a break from playing, etc.


Aibi in a trip


Hi! My AIBI has just arrived home! here is the complete details of my AIBI’s journey home:

  • Within the first few minutes of AIBi’s launch on December 15th I ordered AIBI and got the order number #82687.

  • On July 18th I received my tracking number

  • My AIBI left the original country on July 19th at 7:29am (China’s local time)

  • My AIBI arrived at my country (The U.S) at july 19th 2:02am (U.S time)

  • My AIBI left New York at July 21st 12:37 AM

  • My AIBI arrived at the destination service area (where it will be delivered to my home) on July 21st 6:36 AM

  • This is a optional step but once it reached the destination service area I was able to change the delivery date to be July 22nd (Today) as my original delivery date was July 23rd (Tomorrow)

  • and last and DEFINITLY not least AIBI went out for delivery today at 10:58am and arrived at 11:54am

I am SO excited to get home from work and setup AIBI! :aibi_heart_emoji:
I’ll make sure to send some photos when I do! :aibi_smile:


This is really weird.
I will trust living AI truly sent AIBI when Edward will receive his robot.
Please let us know on this forum!


@edward Que je comprends votre frustration !! D’autant plus que vous êtes la troisième commande AIBI !! …
Vous deviez vous attendre , selon les dires de LivingAI " Nous envoyons les commandes dans l’ordre d’arrivée…" a être livré dans les premiers…
Pour ma part, je suis la commande #82681. J’ai commandé le 15 décembre. J’ai reçu un numéro de suivi le 28 juin, qui reste gelé à ce jour. Je peux comprendre les reports et autres imprévus. Par contre, le “flou artistique” concernant l’ordre de traitement des envois m’exaspère !! En attendant, je regarde les vidéos des qui ont déjà reçu leur nouvel ami.

Google translation to English by Lindaru: I understand your frustration!! Especially since you are the third AIBI order!! …
You should have expected, according to LivingAI “We send orders in the order of arrival…” to be delivered in the first…
For my part, I am order #82681. I ordered on December 15. I received a tracking number on June 28, which remains frozen to this day. I can understand the postponements and other unforeseen events. On the other hand, the “artistic vagueness” concerning the order of processing of shipments exasperates me!! In the meantime, I watch the videos of the lucky ones who have already received their new friend.


Votre “date d’envoi” est la même que celle d’Edward, ça ressemble plus à un problème de prise en charge de la marchandise le 28 juin. EpicEMOfan a eu un envoi le 18 juillet par avion donc le phasage entre vos numéros de commande est bon mais pas la gestion de vos transports en date du 18 juin.

Ça sent la palette égarée ça.

Google translation to English by Lindaru: Your “shipping date” is the same as Edward’s, it looks more like a problem with handling the goods on June 28th. EpicEMOfan had a shipment on July 18th by plane so the phasing between your order numbers is good but not the management of your transports on June 18th.

This smells like a lost pallet.


16 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket: Production/Shipping Update

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket Pet: Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions

My AIBI is being delivered today :sob: I’m so excited and just wanted to share info for those who are like me and were stalking this thread and facebook to see what order numbers have been reached. Mine was 828, I think given what I saw on fb that I’m towards the end of the first batch, I’ve seen those with 829 being told by living ai they are in second batch, hope this info helps anyone out excitedly waiting!


Mine was handed off to a third party delivery service, which means USPS has it now. Tomorrow or Wednesday it should be delivered.