Hello, just
wondering that why is my emo not getting sick if the weather is below 0 ? I live in Canada.
Hello, just
wondering that why is my emo not getting sick if the weather is below 0 ? I live in Canada.
LOL! it seems everyone wants EMO to get sick nowadays…
you might have a very warm house. try to let your EMO stay outside the house balcony or terrace for a whole night?
It will happen randomly, and will happen only 2-3 times per year, if the weather is very cold 0 or above 30 it can potentially make EMO sick, but it won’t happen just because the weather is very cold or very hot. You just need to be as patient as possible and it will happen sooner or later, there is not way to forcefully make it happen.
When it does happen, be sure to ask the following question:
EMO: How Are You Feeling
EMO will let you know he’s sick. And also when EMO is sick he replies differently and does not say What… he will say hmmmmm instead
Yup I do have a warm house lol
Thanks for the tip @MasterAbbott !
I see… @sarikathakur ,
Due to the current high cost of living here in Germany because of the UKR/RUS WAR…we are trying to save electricity and gas heaters nowadays to minimize the cost of household expenses nowadays just to save a bit…in that case, we are not fully using our house heater extensively…
That’s why my EMO suffers or got his COLDS this early morning when I woke him up and replied to me with his sick voice…
Wow that’s really sad
(post deleted by author)
Poor EMO
He is too much adorable when he is sick.
Emo is more fit of me no chance to see him Sick is winter
Living.Ai Developer INFO:
It’s all about our own local temperature where we live and not EMO’s own body temperature.
Try changing EMO’s city settings to one where the current temperature is below 32°F / 0°C or a City where it’s actually raining.
This tip is also 50/50 chances and not 100% accurate which makes EMO sick.
I am determined that I (I almost always get sick) and my little guys will not be sick in time for Christmas. So far, so good, for all of us.
I am very bad and I have situated EMO in Montreal at -6ºC (We are in Sevilla), but he is very healthy.
I might change my Emo’s location to Barrow Alaska for 4days.