Where can I find some newsletters or other type of information regarding Emo? I know I can find some info about updates, etc here in the forum, but if I’m not actively searching for information, is there any way to receive news?
Maybe some instagram or twitter accounts that are not dead
master abbot has a youtube channel, he is always sharing the newest stuff
This forum is probably one of the best places for updates, or the Facebook Group as well.
Facebook Link - E.M.O Pet Community | Facebook
There really isn’t a news letter or real-time updates so either the Forum or Facebook would be the best thing I can suggest.
The EMO App does have notifications, but they are not updated daily. Only really updates when there is a new Firmware released.
You can access this via the EMO APP by pressing the Notification Icon then, then you can see info there.
(see images below)
Hope this helps, if you need or have any other questions, feel free to reach out to the community at any time!
Can you send me a link or the full channel name? Cannot find it
This is my YT channel
he has linked it for you.