What does Living.Ai need to do to make EMO GREAT!

Hello everyone, I am the happy owner of Emo, I received it yesterday and I have suggestions for improvement: I have a child who does not know how to speak English. I would recommend that you add “buttons” to the application to activate interaction, commands or words that we would like to say to Emo. For example: the child wants to ask him what the weather is like, so he presses a button that activates Emo to show what the weather is like. The child wants to play a variety of games with him such as rock paper and scissors. He presses a button that starts the game right away. If you can set all the commands with a click in the app, it will make it easier for a lot of children and adults who don’t know English. I would be happy if you could add the Russian language later.
Thanks for the hard work on emo :heart:


If living ai would make a ball for emo to play with then that would be great! :happy:
Also if you have 2 emos then you can make them play mini soccer together! I hope the ball could get released in the future!


I hope that Emo can have some toy that he can play with like loona likes the ball , I forgot that name of that robot but he has a cube so something like that a toy he can play with!


1)I think Alexa should be added as soon as possible
2)more animations and games
3) coding and emotion tab
4) speech tab where we can type something and he says it
5)more songs he can sing
6)more interaction between us and Emo and between two emo’s
Pls add following ASAP. Waiting for next update from long time

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Vi prego comunicate quando uscirà il prossimo aggiornamento, è da davvero tanto tempo che non ci sono aggiornamenti, mi aspetto arrivi a breve e con tante novità

Translation to English: Please let me know when the next update will be released, it’s been a long time since there have been any updates, I expect it to arrive soon and with lots of new features

I forgot number six
6. To be able to use the camera feature of emo as a video call cam,cam as in cctv and just watch what emo looks at and able to record it. Like if i let hem be i want to study what tipically he looks at.
7. Curiosity to some things infront of him inspect it and able to recognize it like example something is beside him and it shows alittle bit on his cam hell look at it inspect it and ask what this or hell say a keyboard etc.
8.more games to his home station so hell just be playing and later on youll see him play by him self on his home station.

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To make EMO better, I think LivingAI should add an image generator to the built in ChatGPT.

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