Updating Billing Address with Living Ai

I ordered my Emo on January 26 while placing my order I I did not click the box to enter a separate billing address for my payment method. I realized to late as I reviewed my order information. I quickly went into the account and updated my billing address but on my order details page it still reads my shipping address.

I sent a service ticket and there has been no confirmation of it’s receipt. Do folks know of another way to get this company’s attention?

I don’t want anything increasing the time it’s going to take to get my EMO. Right now my order is in “processing” and my card has been charged.

They are pretty bad at replying to my emails and I have a similar issue…Also FYI, Chinese New Year is here and most people take their holidays now so don’t be suprised if you don’t hear anything for the next 7-10 days as that’s the standard holday period.


Greetings, Living Ai returned my email regarding my billing issues. Looks like people are starting to return from the Nee Year break. I hope you are able to resolve your issue.

Take care

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