내 주문번호를 확인하고 싶어요

내가 emo를 언제 주문했고 주문번호가 몇번인지 기억이 나지 않습니다…
어디서 확인 할 수 있습니까??

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“I can’t remember when I ordered the emo and what the order number is…
where can i check it??”

You will need to locate the email that was sent to you when you placed your order to get the order number from it. Then go to the top of this page, click on the Main Website link, then click the Support link, then fill out the inquiry form at the bottom of that page. If you can’t find the email see if it might’ve gone into a spam or junk mail folder. If you can’t find the order number then just fill out the information you do know.

If nothing else then contact @Michelle_Yuan or @Wayne_Zhang

Hi, I have messaged you.