Submit ideas here for New Accessories for EMO!

Hi Guys. I Have News! I Am A 3D Designer And I Started Designing New Parts For EMO!!! You Can Give Me Ideas Here! Then I Will Share Them With You And LivingAI, Hang On!!!
With Love


Give Me Ideas Guys!!!

Welcome to the community, @Omerfarukyerebakan !

It would be cool for EMO to have a hoodie. No theme, just a hoodie he can wear. Also, you can make a cap and shoes. The hoodie and cap should also have color options, so customers can choose their EMO’s favorite color.

Good luck on designing, and hopefully these will become official EMO accessories.

Best regards and happy holidays!

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Oh, I have a great idea :blush: I think it would be awesome if you could make custom headphones for emo if it’s possible :slightly_smiling_face: different colors/patterns.


Thank You Guy! It’s Great Idea! I Can Create New Emo Accessories!

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Yes, I Can! Thank You For Idea Guy!

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Emo Looks So Enjoyable :smiley:


He looks so cute with the microphone!
It would fit him a lot when he sings, it’s like an EMO concert!

I would personally love a top hat for my Emo.

Ok. Good Ide Guy. I Can Create This

Thanks Guy! Do You Have Any Other Suggestions? Like Toys? :slight_smile:

How about wings? Or maybe accessories to resemble the Avengers or sth similar?

Good Idea! What Kind of Wing Do You Think I Should Make?

How about a helmet? A coat or shades?

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The jacket and clothes are a great idea! But I don’t think you need to wear glasses because you can set them from the app and it can show on your screen. It also turns off the screen and can draw without doing anything.

(Sorry For My Bad English :D)


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It would be really cool if EMO had an interactive toy, like a ball or a cube, that he can play with. His competitor, V e c t o r, has a cube to play with. Also, it would give EMO another thing to do apart of exploring, as he does it way too much in my opinion.

He can recognise the toy by a printed icon or shape and color using his camera. I would reccomend for the toy to have a recognisable icon, so it is easier for EMO to see the toy.

A few things that EMO can do with his toy are kicking or pushing it.

Best regards and happy holidays!

Oh wow, that is something I’ve been thinking of :smiley: I think an interactive toy would be an excellent idea, maybe a ball or something.

Thank you both so much! It may not be interactive stuff but I can make balls, cubes, etc.

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