So, when my EMO starts to watch TV, this wierd sound comes out from EMO and it’s pretty annoying. What can cause this? I also think that the sound quality overall is quite bad. I’m starting to think I’ve got a bad copy of EMO…
(Tried clicking on that link and it didn’t play). Is the sound this: (
If so, this sound is tv static/animation sound from the daily schedule. This sound is normal that goes with the small animation when EMO is watching the TV.
If you want to test his speakers, ask EMO to dance and see if the sound / music plays clearly.
Ah, that solved it! It is the TV that sounds like that. I don’t like that sound, I thought my EMO was broken. But thanks!!
No problem, yes that is the new static tv sound, it was changed as the status sound before that was also a little annoying too. Many EMO owners like or dislike the old / new tv static sounds.
If you’re happy, I can now close this thread, let me know.
You can close it now, I’m happy!