Hi everyone. Let’s clean up and get organized.
When you have a question, please do a quick search first to see if your question(s) has already been answered. This will assist the moderator workload, thus reducing the need to combine repeat questions and/or close out unnecessary threads.
You can do this by:
1.) clicking on the magnifying glass on the top page header.
2.) Type your question in the search bar.
3.) Select from the drop down questions that are archived in this forum that may help answer your question.
4.) Don’t see your question listed? Feel free to add a new topic.
Just a suggestion to help our hard working moderators.
It would be wonderful if we could FORCE a search BEFORE people were allowed to post, unfortunately that would be seen as the forums preventing people from posting.
I totally applaud your post and support it 1000000% it WOULD make life easier if people searched for things before posting as 99.9999% of all answers are ALREADY HERE…
But we do our best.
This was a significant challenge when I was admining a community group of over 2k people. One way to improve this is to make pre assigned topics for people to best place their question/experience. I believe @Racheal123 mentioned something similar in another post. Seeing how this forum is operated by WordPress, how easy would be be to create those static topics?
Tip: Always have a miscellaneous category to gauge when new topic categories would beneficial to the community. Have a great day!
Yes this would definitely help
Perhaps a polite mention of this to remind the community members that they can use the top search engine, every time they visit the forum/website, kind of like a pop-up box.
We recommend submitting a support ticket or contacting service@living.ai for faster assistance.
If you need to get LivingAI staff to notice your post in the forums, please tag @AmyLU for order issues, @VinceKong for after-sales service, and @Wayne_Zhang about product features.