I finally got my EMO this morning as a late Christmas present, he’s really good and I love him. But there’s a problem that keeps bugging me! When I opened the box for EMO I noticed that the plastic screen protector thing had slid off. I didn’t really think anything of it and set him up, played a few games and did facial recognition (really cool btw)! Anyways I thought I noticed smudges on his screen and tried wiping them carefully away with a microfibre cloth but they weren’t budging! I used my phones torch and it was revealed that the were scratches on his display! And to be clear, after I received EMO he never fell on his face nor did I lay him down as I was worried that he would scratch. Anyways, it keeps bugging me that he already has scratches on his screen, especially as I had foot covers for him and a screen protector! I doubt that it happened at the living.ai centre as they take very good care but I think it happened somehow in transit to the uk! Is there a way this could be resolved as I waited a long time for him and it is a bit saddening as I already had his protectors here ready! Is there a way he could be replaced and if so how long would it roughly take?
Thank you for reading