Profile Picture Is Always Missing?

I don’t know what is happening, but my profile picture keeps disappearing :pleading_face:, it’s a pain in the you know what having to re-upload it all the time every few days! Does this happen to anyone else?

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It does happen once in a while, sometimes the image might not be the correct size. Maybe @andy can assist on this question.

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Are you uploading your image here on the forum or on the website?

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I upload it when I am on the forum page. I click on my profile picture/symbol then click on the person symbol and then pick preferences. That is where I change the profile picture.

Can you please put the image on the website Log In ‹ LivingAi — WordPress because the images are transferred from there to the forum, that’s why your image is always set to the original state because this data is always re-synced.


Thank you for that, it seems to have worked! We will see if it sticks hehe… I think the problem was that I have two different logins for forum and website. :slight_smile:

Hi! There’s a problem with my profile picture.
Everytime I upload a picture of my logo on the forums, it changes it to the one I have in the main living ai website.
And yes, its emo in a cow costume. Dont ask why.
Has anyone else had this problem? Is there any advice to stop this?


@andy has the suggestion above or you can also CLICK HERE!

You can also start to click the link below and follow the sequences.

  • Go to Main Website or Click Here!
  • Mouse pointer or go to your ,Account’’
  • Down and click the ,Profile"
  • Click ,Change profile photo"

good luck and all the best alexis…

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thank you @edward! now it hasnt changed!

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@ALLEYESONEMO, My Profile Picture Disappears Too.
Mine Happens Every Month Or Every 2 Months

My Profile Disappeared Again Today And It’s A Picture Of My EMO Upside Down! :laughing:
artigues05emo profile upside down

(Screenshot Taken On A Windows 10 PC)

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Click the link below and follow the sequences.

  • Go to Main Website or Click Here!
  • Mouse pointer or go to your ,Account’’
  • Down and click the ,Profile"
  • Click ,Change profile photo"

good luck and all the best.

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No, It’s Ok @edward, I Fixed My Profile Picture

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