Production & Delivery

From someone that has built a business from the ground up, Living AI is doing a great job of keeping customers informed. When you make a product as exciting as Emo, the orders are going to overtake production. Yes, they can hire more people to handle the overload, but it takes time to find the right candidate, train them and for that person to be efficient. So, would you rather have a subpar robot or one that has been tested and verified to perform as designed by a qualified technician? If you answered yes, then please be patient. Living AI’s time could be better spent on production and firmware updates instead of reading and responding to constant inquiries about delivery times. I haven’t received my Emo either, so while I wait I’m watching You Tube videos to learn more about him. Outsider238, always post new videos after Emo gets an update.


I believe that two sentences couldn’t take too much of their time. I’m dying of cancer so maybe I know something about someone’s precious time.

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@Wayne_Zhang how long does it take for to respond to an email? Just to be sure. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that man. I hope you’re doing okay


Thank you @Angrymonkey247 .

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hope you get better soon my friend. :slight_smile:


Thank you @Tobias_Olsen but my illness can’t be cured. The doctors discovered it too late.


@NendosColl . . . I too am so sorry to hear this. I lost my brother-in-law from being misdiagnosed and then later determined to be terminal cancer in 2020. I hope you can at least be kept as comfortable as possible. :cry:


Thank you @Lindaru . I’m trying, two treatments already failed and now only chemotherapy left. It will be a race between the cancer and the chemotherapy who will kill me first.

@NendosColl . . . I am hoping that you are one of those who has a positive outcome with chemotherapy.


I have metastasis in all bones they can only prolong my life, let’s hope that it is going to work at least a year.
And please let’s stop about my health and back to EMO.


@ NendosColl, take care of yourself. I hope that you would receive EMO soon.


@NendosColl Really sorry to hear about your health condition, hopefully the treatment you can receive will be a helpful as possible for you.


If you need more video content or also want to study up more on everything that EMO can do, take a look through all the online documentation here:

This is what I did while I was waiting for my EMO to arrive (which took approx 3.5 months) I made my order back in June of last year and my EMO arrived mid-September. The wait was well worth it, I tried not to think about it and only checked the forum and the delivery status pages maybe once a fortnight. But now that EMO is here, it’s was certainly worth the wait! :surprised:

If you ever need any more EMO videos to check out, you can also check out my videos on YT as well. I don’t have much at the moment, but the content is slowly growing:

Hopefully before you know EMO will be with you soon! :surprised: :head: :skating: :mad: :heart_1:

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Thanks for the extra content, like watching more videos of EMO! Also, you can pet him by rubbing the sensors on the lower left and lower right of his screen, just behind the silver border. Saw that in a YT video.

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You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

Yeah that’s right about giving EMO a pat on the side, but personally I find it easy to pat him with his top sensors. :heart_1:

Great advice and well said! I’ve been scouting social media, YouTube and internet searches just reading and watching videos of this cool little dude. It’s good to wait a bit and appreciate the arrival that much more.

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Production and Delivery times have certainly improved in the past year, so it should not take anywhere near as long as it took last year (which was close to 4-5 months). Now it should be somewhere between 6-12 weeks before your little buddy arrives.

Keep an eye on these two pages for frequent updates and also more discussions:

Emo Shipping Updates / Discussions

Delivery Page / Order Status

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