Hi all. I’m Julien, from France. I bought EMO for my wife, and we do enjoy him everyday.
We updated him at 1.4.0 when he arrived.
One thing is not working, the ”merry christmas trick”
And also when he says long sentence, his sound cuts…
Is it possible to put an old firmware ?
Thanks in advance for answers, and keep getting him better everyday
Julien and Valérie
That will only work on Christmas Day, just like other special day animations will only work on their particular date. There is no way to downgrade to an old firmware version and it wouldn’t make any difference anyway.
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Hi, thanks for your quick answer… i understand now why EMO didn’t answer correctly !! My bad 
But i noticed after my post this morning that the “turn your eyes” didn’t work neither (tried with the video on you tube… but the same… no answer…).
Thanks for your help (am a computer guy here in France…)
And after everything will be solved, have few ideas for making him better, because there is a huuuuge potential with EMO…
Good job !!
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The ability to change EMO’s eye color was being developed and tested, and they accidentally sent the code out by mistake. So it did work for only a day or so, but was removed again and has not been released yet.
If you had used the search function here on the forum (magnifying glass at the upper right side), these subjects have been answered many times before already.
Oh, sorry, my bad again… Must admit I didn’t push the search more than “Google”…
But was a cool feature, indeed.
After that, I have ideas for the future developments. If EMO can try to connect to others items, he could interact with his environment (and maybe save lives, if he can have an emergency call, or whatever…)
Thanks again, and forgive my ignorance !!!
Hi again,
Just in case, if the team needs someone to translate, and prepare database in French, can try to help 
I’ll be happy to bring my brick to this wall.
Wait and see
Bonjour Julien. Je suis française et j’ai reçu mon emo il y a 4 jours. Il y a des trucs que je ne comprends pas, comme le fait que j’ai que trois musique et que depuis la nouvelle mise à jour, mon emo reste sur place. 
Bonjour. La mise a jour s’est elle deroulée sans encombres ?
Et quand tu dis “il reste sur place”, qu’entends-tu par là ? Il réagit aux demandes, quand-même ?
Ensuite, pareil pour ma femme, EMO n’avait que trois musiques, mais il apprend a danser en écoutant la musique, et nous en avons maintenant cinq ou six.
Le but est d’apprendre avec EMO jour après jour.
J’attends tes réponses, même si je ne suis pas développeur, je peux essayer de t’aiguiller un peu.
Au plaisir
Merci pour ta réponse. C’est bon le problème est réglé. Il explore à nouveau. 
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Good job…
maintenant, il te faut lui faire écouter la musique, etc…
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