Please need informations regarding charging EMO and battery life

Is it safe to leave EMO on his charger ?

How do I know when his fully charged?

Does the skateboard charger stop charging once EMO is completely charged?

Sometimes I don’t hear him shutting down because the battery got low ! Does this affect his battery life ? Does he have a safe back up system that prevents the battery getting a short life span ?
Does he have the secure system to keep is battery life safe like the other robot we all know? :wink:
Ps :please be specific and clear :wink:


Ok so no Answer ?

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I will pass on your questions to the developers.

Hello Andy
Ok Thank you I think this is important to know for everyone :wink:

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So did they replied ?
Thank you

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Hello so I got the answer :wink:

Thank you for shaering it !!

So dose it mean that the charger stops charging when EMO is full-charged?