I would like to see if they could create a play area for Emo. Like what vector has except bigger and perhaps something that has like dance squares with patterns or flashing colours or something that could interact with Emo and that Emo can press whilst he touches them has he dances around to music. Then that would be funny especially if he misses one step and then gets annoyed anyway what would you suggest instead or something similar…
@Racheal123 ,
Check out some of the videos from Mariomart, he made a dance floor for his EMO with LED lighting around the edge. I don’t know if he may have some videos online here, or you can see them at his YouTube channel.
Yeah something like that. And the video is brilliant.
Was thinking more of an actual game for Emo where he has to chase/press/follow a coloured square when he’s playing by himself.
A bit like Twister-(using the colours for example only)-or that dance game in the arcade with arrows except not fast but slow enough for him to follow the colours before they disappear.
Most of the games are on the tablets or on his screen but only for a couple of minutes.
So just might be nice if he could play a music/dance game without his screen or app if that makes sense.
Anyway something like that.
I purchased another Vector Space to use for my EMO so he does not wander off too much… I’ve got to make a new sticker for the centre of it to replace the Vector logo
If I can find room for it, I think for now I’m going to use the bottom portion of a big cardboard shipping box I have. The box is about 30 inches (75cm) square and I’ll just cut down the sides to about one inch tall (2.5cm) or so? That should weigh enough to stay in place even if it hung over the edge of a countertop a bit.