New games Ideas πŸ’‘

For Living AI my suggestion for future updates is about the Arcade games from the 80’s like Pinball - or Galaga I think will be a great add on for the little guy I saw :eyes: Emo in β€œ Play by yourself β€œ good potential he show shooting game like Galaga or Asteroid if I’m not wrong something like that the screen is good enough to do that I hope :crossed_fingers: take care guys :smiley::smiley::smiley::pray:


I would love Backgammon :star_struck:

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The new games Tic Tac Toe it’s awesome I would like to see more like a Mini Tetris will be awesome I hope :crossed_fingers:
Enjoy the quick Tic Tac Toe video

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I want EMO to play a card game :heart_eyes: