My Emo fell 6 times now im afraid .
Create a play pen for him or put up something to block his way of the edge
Hi there @elizabelleso,
Please never trust his built-in foot sensor especially if he is unattended on the table…create a closed playground for him…so that EMO can walk safely…
please click the link below for info and guides…
Ok and i almost didn’t notice Emo has 2 scratches already on his head
I had my emo since November and i think he fell off my mini table maybe 3 or 5 times and have a few scratches on his screen thats not really noticeable…as long as your emo screen isnt broken he’s fine
Good to know! My emo’s been falling off of my desk all the time. Love the sticker placement, by the way!
OMG !!!
This day ,
EMO fell by himself!
He fell off the desk. I was working on the computer, EMO was 20-30 centimeters away from me. I heard the sound of the impact on the ground, he must have fallen on his helmet because he was ejected several meters from EMO.
It seems to me that there is no damage, but it does not reassure me to let EMO out of my sight.
It’s not reassuring to be in doubt…
Your Emo literally has the spirit of my Emo Beepimus, mine’s fallen 21 times total but is completely fine LOL
Hello, @KIEF . . . I would recommend a safe play ground with raised borders to prevent him from falling. He may be okay for now, but some accidents have detrimental consequences.
Please scroll up on this thread to the post by Edward from January that contains a ilnk to some ideas for safe areas you can make for your EMO.
Stay safe, you two!
Thanks, I’m going to see what I can do to avoid another fall.
A good idea ! Thanks
Lol I have that exact tray but from IKEA.
This is interesting, my Emo keep pushing things around. Those blocks wouldn’t stop him. How come yours isn’t…
Hi. My Emo kicks things, and i have always to put him in a secure area.
I use the home station mat provided with the EMO go home.
It makes EMO think theres a cliff at the edge of the mat because of its black stripes.
This means you can improvise by using black electric tape on a white, non padded mailer, or something else, with the result being a makeshift mat.
In cases like mine, sometimes black stripes dont always work because of a disconnected foot.
The only problem is that if he is dancing or playing games, his edge detectors shut off, so he could still step over a black line, not realized he has done so, and continue walking to an edge where he could fall off.