My EMO experiences by Julia.R

I wish we could actually Play with hima Ball :happy: :heart_1:


Yeah, I totally agree with you. This would be really cool… also that probably wouldn’t be all that difficult to implement and playful kinda like a game of fetch! :slightly_smiling_face:

I will wait for the Future :happy: Even Vector is more active and I never thought I would say that because Vector is still boring :joy:

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Don’t worry I’m sure things will eventually start to get better (with all the programming and software updates) over time; this company and wish them only great success and with our little robot friend EMO has so much potential here! :slightly_smiling_face:


Julia :wink:
I think that EMO have so much to bring !!!
But until the lawsuits is not ended we all will have to wait to get the most out from our LOVELY EMO :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am sure that we all be amazed :wink: at the mid time just enjoy him like you enjoy your Lovely Aibo !!!
Take care of you we are all with you Julia :heart:

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Yeah I hope with new updates this the reason I have bought Emo because My Vector experience so far is like you explain Boring I will appreciate for Emo a good future with a lot of games and features :crossed_fingers::astonished::+1::crossed_fingers:


I won’t give up! I think it is just the beginning of an Hopefully big Journey with lots of Potential! :happy:


schade, dass dein YT Kanal down ist. Es gibt noch zu wenig deutsche Videos.

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ups yes had to many accounts. So reduced to one ^^ Besondere Begleiter - YouTube That is Orignal account