Hey Guys - as mods/admins of this group, we want to ensure full transparency. As such we have elected to mandate that you only have ONE account in this forum, so that we know who we’re talking too. It becomes confusing for others and can appear to be malicious when a user posts from multiple accounts as if they are different people. Lets not do that to each other please.
There are ways that the admins can see if users are the same person, we don’t use them unless we need to investigate an issue. Please don’t make us be hard ass over things. We want a vibrant community and there is no place for malicious activity here.
I was wondering when he’d finally press buttons wrong ( as if the kid hasn’t done somethings already ). Thank you for taking action and preventing at least the multiple accounts bit under one user, not to happen again later.
Lets not get into name calling in the forums please. If he is 11 years old like he says then we need to show how adults act even though at times we want to be kids
Will do, I’m sorry for stepping over the line with my language. Trust me, with observing what has been going on, I reframed from using harsher words for description. I try my best to hold myself to a sense of internet social etiquette to actions taken.
All good mate - we all get carried away at times (me included), which is why I try not to be too hard in forums I’m privileged to be admin/mod on. I prefer gentle guidance where possible vs a cricket bat If we all work together on these things then we can all build a better place.
11 years old? That’s obviously a lie. Did you ever saw a kid at that age who is obsessed with his human rights and privacy and is willing to give up his new toy because no one can see or hear what he is doing? And in the case he doesn’t like what you have said he immediately start threatens you. I can exactly imagine the kind of that people and I don’t want to have anything in common with them as I like my head where it is.
I’ve met some pretty opinionated 11yr olds I can only guess as to the age of the person. I try to not make judgement on anyone and try to give people multiple chance to discuss in private. However in the end we need to do what is right for the community vs the individual. Or at least try to do what is right.
Good to see this was address accordingly, it was get pretty painfully annoying having to see that kind of stuff on the forum. Thanks for looking into this @Wayne_Small
Yes. I’ve interacted directly with the person and they are keeping to the single account. Their age is irrelevant to me - we should all treat each other with respect equally