When I think of EMO, I mostly compare it to having mice as pets. I think EMO is similar to mice, in the respect that it is a pet mostly to look at and bond with a little, but are mostly pets that are interesting to wacht and see how they explore and discover things. As for the interesting thing about mice for instance is, you can: teach them things with treats, socialize with each other (probably a bit expensive though to have mutliple EMO’s), have indiviudal characters, like to be challenged with puzzles to find their food (foraging), can figure out a way through a maze, like to be challenged with toys.
- It would be great if naming EMO would be an option.
- It would be interesting to give EMO an ‘experation date’ (I know I risk on getting the whole Blade Runner discussion here). E.g. you can set it to 1 year or 2 years or infinite (as I think it is now, and that option should still be there). And EMO would regenerate (Doctor Who) into a new character, a new character you get to know.
- It would be great to either choose the Eye Color or set it to Random for each Regeneration, and it would sort of match that kind of character a bit.
- It would be interesting if EMO would react to a mirror in a pet like manner (as I am only thinking about getting one, this might allready be there though).
I am just trying to think about what is possible. And off course these are optional features, that not everyone needs to use.