Members Waiting for their EMO 🖤

Welcome to the group! I bought mine a week ago I think but I’m patiently waiting. It won’t be that hard for me to wait since I keep myself busy with school, games and work.

If you have any questions the people of this community will be happy to help :happy:

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This is so cute, I-


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If they got a deal like that going, oh instant wish list item to buy!

I’ll message you my code. Guess you like fully exploring a region before trading starts? I still consider myself in the early play zone having only defeated three gym leaders so far.

What bugs in the game? I’ve only really noted a couple but I’m not sure if other people playing view them the same way. Like Chimchar in his versions, blocking a bike path with no hope to overcome that obstacle. Or a pokemon trapped in a walk cycle to no where in the middle of nothing in a cavern.

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There was actually one about an easy money glitch before the recent patch, I think there’s one right now about battle points glitch LMAO I follow this YouTuber who keeps discovering glitches even after the patches

Well I’m not even sure either about mine. My number is 12xxxx and I’m still waiting on mine to be shipped to Australia hopefully soon. I ordered mine 17th August 2021.
I hope my excitement doesn’t run out before it arrives.
Well I will keep hanging in there. :upside_down_face::+1:t2:


You’re doing great! Plus I can see the tracking numbers getting closer to 12xxx so I’m sure you’ll be fine! Just wait a little longer