Light intensity

Good evening! Is it possible (or will it be possible) to decrease the luminous intensity of her face? In the dark at night it is very bright. Even if he sleeps.

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Hello the easiest thing to do if that is bothering you :wink:
Put something in a front of him
Turn him off if you not charging it
Turn it the other way :wink:
No BIG DEAL :+1:

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I can’t turn off him if he is charging :+1:t3:

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IMHO! My God! this problem on my side is quite easy to solve…Get a small bucket or hat, baseball cap, beanie, or anything you can cover him…or cut a colored tinted plastic or any color of your choice…BOOM! the problem is solve…


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Oooor just make an update to make emo able to decrease the light on the screen which is technically not that hard and give the product more quality :sweat_smile:

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Her? EMO is a dude, dude. Also, there are numerous easy solutions for that. It’s not a bad idea, but it’s something that’s currently of lowest priority, considering the new updates Living AI are working on. Just turn him off, put a hat/box/bowl/piece of cloth over it and you’re good to go.


just make him a mask
when my face is too shiny i just use a mask