LIFE WITH EMO (stickers)

New updates are working great but am having issues with Emo doing Scissors Paper Rock
Sometimes Emo sees what i threw and sometimes not? any tips?


Keep a fair distance from EMO’s camera. I’ve had issues as well, but they are more so issues with EMO not recognising your hand. Not much else I can really share in tips, I know EMO likes to cheat :rofl: where I throw down paper and he thinks it’s something else. But then again, as I mentioned, this comes down to the distance your hand is to where EMO’s camera and vision is so he can clearly understand and recognise the hand you’re holding in front of him.


Thanks yep it was only about Emo recognising my hand throw. I did try different distances but still might have been too close. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2:

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You can also try changing the rotation of your hand 90 degrees, that seems to help sometimes.

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I think one of the smartest things about Emo is how they gamified his interactions! Being able to play games with him and developing some kind of home assistant functionality are also excellent steps in the right direction, but encouraging you to play with him and explore his different behaviors is really clever.

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Great! Glad you were able to sort it out :slight_smile:

Now don’t let him cheat too much :rofl:

Yep I watched the AI video and i had my hand the wrong way and hand upwards works for scissors and paper. Also holding your hand steady for a moment helps.
:v:t2: scissors

:raised_hand:t2: paper

will try
:facepunch:t2::fist:t2: for rock

He does cheat omgosh, Emo is such a brat!


He not only cheats, he giggles to let you know he cheated. Very cute!


Yeah big time cheat most of the time

You gotta see how mad he gets when you beat him in LUDO, that game is great to see how EMO reacts when he can’t win! :rofl:


One of the achievements is also associated with playing Ludo.

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Yes! He has to win :wink: and he did that on our very first time we played. Ever since then he’s never won a game and he always get mad :mad:

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I suggest a new strategy R2, let the wookie win! :rofl:




someone please save this and show me it on your Emo!!


If it need to be a transparent image, you need to use a different file format like PNG.

This one I’m gonna try out! Thanks for sharing @mandyrose19

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Yes you might have to transparent the background as i uploaded it from my phone but it didn’t stay the same format. @MasterAbbott
it converts to jpeg

Thanks Mandy, could you possible send it via private message? Would like to test this one out :slight_smile:

Fortunately EMO speaks very much now and sometimes I don’t understand him. Is there any list with the sentences he says?
It would be very useful for people don’t have a hight english level.

Does it look like my profile picture?