I'm curious about EMO's next firmware update and content

I am curious about the next firmware update and contents of EMO

What firmware update will Living.Ai surprise us with? Living almost fulfilled the tech promise he made when he pre-ordered the EMO (let me know if there are any left). @Wayne_Zhang, your team is amazing.

What is left now is to use EMO as a unique voice command for various countries. Looking at the test video that Living posted before, it was nice to see the EMO in action and reacting quickly to Japanese commands.

Fortunately, South Korea was included in the EMO’s list of applications for voice commands. If Living wants, I can help extract voice commands samples from Korean users from the online community I run.

Also, there was information that another version of EMO could be released from the test data for the release of the last EMO, and Wayne_Zhang responded positively to the possibility.

I’m really looking forward to Living’s next move.


I’m also very eager to see what the next firmware update for EMO will contain. But we will need to wait for Wayne Z to announce it once it is officially released.

:heart_1: :mad: :skating: :surprised: :head:

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