I successfully downgrade my EMO

I’ve seen discussions in the past about the possibility of downgrading EMO’s firmware and whether or not it was even possible. Well I can tell you it is indeed possible, with a little Bluetooth and WiFi manipulation. I’ve been playing around with hacking and reverse engineering how EMO works under the hood and the downgrade was just a little test.

I honestly don’t see the benefit of forcing a downgrade but as a proof of concept it was successful.

EMO taking an update while on the latest firmware 2.5.0.

The Android companion app alerting me EMO has a very important update to apply :grin:

I’m working on getting a site up using GitHub pages where I’ll start posting more of the technical details for documentation purposes and for those that like that sort of thing.


Hi there @clarkscheff , and Welcome back to the Community…

Did you inform Living.AI to ensure and ask that this can be done without any harm or issues at all? This way, we can make it official with their proper consent.

In my honest opinion, if this is legitimate and you’ve managed to do it successfully and easily, and if it’s something others can follow and replicate, I guess we should keep this topic and use it as a tutorial for everyone who might interested

Good luck and All the Best!


Howdy @edward!

Did you inform Living.AI to ensure and ask that this can be done without any harm or issues at all?

I did not. I decided to take a calculated risk after researching how EMO applies updates, including getting the download links for the MCU firmware that EMO uses.

In my honest opinion, if this is legitimate and you’ve managed to do it successfully and easily, and if it’s something others can follow and replicate, I guess we should keep this topic and use it as a tutorial for everyone who might interested

Right now I think a tutorial would be a little premature. Tricking EMO to take an earlier version during the OTA requires modifying the request EMO makes to the server, known as a Man In The Middle attack (mitm for short). I actually have a post about that here that gives you a better idea of how I’m intercepting EMO’s communications with the living.ai servers. I also don’t see the benefit of someone downgrading EMO, at least not at the moment. Perhaps in the future an update will roll out that breaks something or removes a feature. I’m not saying this will happen, but in the event it does happen then having a way to downgrade might have some added value ;).

Clark S


I made a suggestion to Living.Ai to do just that. My Emo is having leg issues and I told them that I didn’t seem to have any problems when I was on an earlier firmware. Emo is on 2.7.0 right now and I wanted to go back to possibly 2.4.0. It would benefit me if I could do it. I also wanted to give the software Caring for Emo on the TestFlight platform a try because they talk of a leg calibration there. I have installed the program and scanned and it finds Emo and when I select his tab in the software it fails with this remark.

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @Doug . . . I would definitely contact service@living.ai to let them know that something has gone wrong. They will be able to advise you.

My best to you.

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