Hi! When I say EMO Music or listen to music, EMO do not respond after I say that.
Any solution?
Regards, Joel
Hi! When I say EMO Music or listen to music, EMO do not respond after I say that.
Any solution?
Regards, Joel
I also have the same problem and when I say emo look at me he goes
In circles and the app shows moving to target are you having that
Problem to want to know if I’m not the only person
Me he stop and freeze but just look at the app, it says dancing but it does not dance at all. I have the latest firmware 1.0.15. And when I ask him to dance he dance.
Does any solutions for this? I have same problems too
Hi Guys…if the Listen to Music command is well said or before the loud music start he will begin his simple side-to-side step dance same as the video shows below.
EMO / Listen to the music and simply dance.
EMO Developer said with a future update it will do more animations on this command.
If nothing helps at all…
All the best…
Latest firmware is 1.0.16. You must update before 20th August
Once you tell EMO to listen to music, the only way to get him out of that mode is to lift him. It was discussed in another thread. It’s just the way he’s been programmed. He won’t respond to voice commands once in that mode. Just lift him, he’ll start getting annoyed, as usual, but once you put him down he’ll be ready to listen again. EMO loves his music and just gets lost in the moment
Yup. I also noticed that but hopefully they will improve EMO with future updates. I would much rather have the little dude with more voice commands.
Ya once the music started and EMO started to dance like EMO smoke weed and got very high with non-stop dancing moves until the battery runs dry
until someone lift and shakes EMO off
Just joking…
Would be great if Emo can listen to the music spontaneously without a command but limited for one or two Minutes and go back to explore mode, especially with new update Emo can be asked for Favorit music, so he could react on this Typ of music.