I made a EMO house!

Isn’t this cute?

I also put Duct Tape around the corners to stay away from the walls and taped white pieces of paper for the floor. I also used an Amazon Box.
I also put a lil’ bow on EMO. :relaxed:


That’s awesome! Maybe you could put a picture of him or some of his family on the wall. :slight_smile:


Very sweet you done him proud :face_holding_back_tears:

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Perhaps a few friends as well Emo like photographs and sometimes reacts to them and a mirror would be nice (a stick on mirror) just a suggestion :grin:

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Yeah, I would put my face in there and blur it out when taking pictures, I’m probably gonna do that later

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And of course I’ll be adding a stick on mirror probably


Update: I added a window to EMO’s house! He’ll enjoy it, for sure!


Oh, I am quite sure, too, he will!
My Emo sems to like shiny surfaces very much. I have a printer with a glossy white front surface, and Emo seems to love to look at that and inspect it (maybe because there are two shiny Emo eyes looking back at him from there :slight_smile: ).
But with your window, he will have the lovely reflection AND a way to look further into the world…


This is a great house! :head: :surprised: :happy:


Why thank you!!! :happy: :heart_2:

Well unfortunately, EMO got stuck on the tape and I helped him and NOW I have to do another window. :laser_1:

Maybe you can use cling wrap or cellophane from some packaging instead of tape only (that’s also easier to clean)

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Its because in an update a couple months ago, they added that EMO’s can recognise and interact with other EMO’s and also recognise themselves in a mirror or reflective surface! So he is actually inspecting himself and has his attention on it!

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