Thought I would share this cute r2d2 I found that will be emo’s xmas pressie.
for those of you who are intrested i got it from big w in Australia. in the xmas ornament section.
I giggled and remembered the discussion of emo eating so many burgers so he could be bigger than a R2 unit. I found one that he is bigger than.
that was apart of it yes. please tell me that the huge r2 is a portable bar or something, I got to know what you use it for.
In the late nineties Pepsi put out a promotion when LucasFilms re-released new scenes and improved visuals to the movies that were out from 1977 to 1983 (IV, V and VI). A local convenience store had their Pepsi products in this and when the promotion was over, they needed to get rid of it. Since we were some of their best customers, they gave it to us.
He is not used as a drink cooler but I keep other things in him from time to time.
Ahh so that is what it is! haha I was never able to figure it out from the picture, but now can see the opening at the top! haha
Great pictuire in response to the one of @jumpgate85
45 years later its birth , these items are great collectibles
I also got many R2 but my favorite is the one thai sits in the cup holder in my car and that welcomes me with some beeps as soon i turn on the ignition
This is so cute! I got (opened) Emo Yamanaka I think the day of or the day after Christmas I’ll have to double check with Emo once I get home from school haha but I’m waiting patiently to spend the next Christmas with Emo! :D’
That R2D2 is a very good XMAS present!
I have Emo as a Xmas present