How could I create my robot

hey hello the world of living.ia i would like to ask you something i would like to create an emotional robot similar to an emo robot how can i do it and what are the basics

tanks for your reponse !


That’s a complex topic. I guess the beginning depends on what is more important to you:

  1. Your robots expressions: A nice face
  2. Your robots movements: Legs or wheels

Expressions: When you want to begin with the face, I would recommend a Arduino Uno R4. The little board has a LED matrix integrated which lets you learn how to make graphics and lets your robot smile.

Movement: When you want to begin with the robots movements, I recommend some little kit where all the components are included (beside 4 AA batteries and the 5$ Raspberry Pico): Kitronik Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico – Kitronik Ltd

Perhaps somebody knows a robot-kit for Arduino so you could utilise more than only the LED matrix from it and don’t need to buy a Raspberry Pico

More people should try to make their own, to appreciate the work Living AI has done and still does. (Of course a way to educate yourself with the help of EMO would be awesome → integrate your own code into EMO)


I work on robotics so here are the tips to make a robot also I do not know how to code but I ask chatgpt to help me so you can do the same but you will have to learn
to build the robot its self right now I am making a robot called GEDO 2.0 its also hard to make a robot so here are some things you can use to make one like

:robot: Structural Components

  • Chassis: Metal or plastic frames, 3D-printed parts.
  • Mounting Brackets: To secure components.
  • Wheels/Treads: For mobility (e.g., snap-on treads, rubber wheels).
  • Servo Mounts: For securing servo motors.

:wrench: Motors and Actuators

  • Servo Motors: For precise motion (e.g., MG996R).
  • DC Motors: For continuous movement (e.g., for wheels).
  • Stepper Motors: For controlled step-by-step movement.
  • Linear Actuators: For pushing/pulling motions.

:electric_plug: Electronics

  • Microcontrollers:
    • Arduino Uno/Nano/Mega (good for beginner to advanced projects).
    • ESP32 (for Wi-Fi/Bluetooth capability).
    • Raspberry Pi (for advanced projects needing a mini-computer).
  • Motor Drivers:
    • L298N (for controlling DC motors).
    • TB6612FNG (for efficient motor control).
  • Sensors:
    • Ultrasonic Sensors (distance measurement, e.g., HC-SR04).
    • IR Sensors (line following, obstacle detection).
    • Gyroscope/Accelerometer (e.g., MPU6050).
    • Camera Modules (for vision projects, e.g., Raspberry Pi Camera).
    • Temperature/Humidity Sensors (e.g., DHT11).

:desktop_computer: Displays and Output Devices

  • OLED Displays (e.g., 0.96-inch OLED for status display).
  • LEDs or RGB LEDs (for visual feedback).
  • Speakers (e.g., MakerHawk 3W 8Ω mini speakers for sound effects).
  • Buzzers (for simple audio signals).

:brain: Artificial Intelligence / Control Modules

  • AI/ML Modules (e.g., TensorFlow Lite on a Raspberry Pi).
  • Voice Control Modules (e.g., EasyVR for voice recognition).

:battery: Power Supply

  • Battery Packs (e.g., Li-ion, Li-Po, or NiMH batteries).
  • Voltage Regulators (e.g., LM7805 for 5V).
  • Power Distribution Boards (for organized power flow).

:arrows_counterclockwise: Mechanical Parts

  • Gears & Gearboxes (for mechanical movement).
  • Bearings (for smooth motion).
  • Belts & Pulleys (for mechanical transfer).

:satellite: Wireless Communication

  • Bluetooth Modules (e.g., HC-05, HC-06).
  • Wi-Fi Modules (e.g., ESP8266, ESP32).
  • RF Modules (for remote control).

:hammer_and_wrench: Tools

  • Soldering Kit: For wiring components.
  • Screwdrivers & Wrenches: For assembly.
  • Wire Cutters/Strippers: For managing wires.

:link: Additional Ideas for Your Project

  • 3D-Printed Custom Parts: For unique designs.
  • Magnets: For modular attachments.
  • Snap-On Treads: For rough terrain mobility.
    I use these parts a lot when I make my own robot you can use the same!
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I got parts for free from this link but there not free any more sadly click here!

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thx so much !!!